2. A Deal

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Bryce’s POV

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Bryce’s POV

“No, Cindy. I’m not buying you anything. All you do is waste my money! God!” I yelled. All I said was I was going out to buy food ‘cause I’m hungry. Then here goes this leech who always demands stuff. I swear she’s so needy. Fuck ten-year olds!


“So? It’s his money. You got your own money too. Don’t be stingy.” Dad said. I nodded and thanked him while Cindy pouted and colored her horribly but adorably made drawing. 

I left the house and went to my bike. It’s been a while since I rode this bad boy. 

Oh, where are my manners? Hi, I’m Bryce Madden. Star quarterback of my high school. I graduated a few days ago. I’m just staying here for a while until dad is able to go back to work. I got a football scholarship to Ohio State University. 

I hopped on my bike, thankful it didn’t collapse. I began biking down the dirt paths. Our house was located a bit away from the town center. Personally, I love it. It’s like we have our own little world. 

“SUP, BRYCE!” Someone yelled. I don’t know many people, which is shocking because everyone knows me. I won the state championship a while back, which is how I got into Ohio State. Needless to say, I have a good reputation around town.

I pulled up to Freezey’s, my guilty pleasure. I’ve always enjoyed this place. It wasn’t as busy as the other ice cream places because it’s located a bit farther from the center of town. Not to mention, Richard, who works the counter, gives me discounts since I’m on the football team.

I entered the parlor and was met with cold. It felt nice compared to the sweltering heat outside. I saw a family eating and another person facing away from me. I was greeted with Richard and got my favorite flavor, hazelnut.

I can’t explain it. It just tastes so amazing. I like it, no, love it, so much!

As I was preparing to walk out, I saw the guy sitting in the seat earlier. He looked familiar. Upon closer look, I knew exactly who this was. 

“Maxwell?” I said. He turned and saw me, his eyes widening.

“Oh fuck.” He said. His spoon fell in his ice cream cup. 

“Do you mind if I sit here?” I asked him, pointing to the seat in front of him. He hesitantly nodded, a blush forming on his face. Interesting.

I sat in the seat opposite from him. This here, ladies and gentlemen, is Maxwell Knox. Super genius valedictorian. The brightest at our school. Maxwell and I never talked to each other. Our school didn’t have that cliche high school hierarchy system. But rather we never spoke because we just didn’t have anything in common. 

“So, how’s your summer so far?” I started off.

“Oh um, it’s okay. Rather a little lonely.” He said. He then became quiet again. 

“You got hazelnut?” I said, motioning for his cup. 

“Yeah. It’s my favorite. Can’t go wrong with it.” He said, smiling a bit.

“Exactly. Hazelnut’s my favorite too! Shit’s amazing!” I said. I think we might be forming something here.

“Why are you still here? Don’t you have a scholarship to Indiana or Illinois?” He said.

“Ohio. And yeah, I do. But I’m sticking around until August and then I’ll leave.” I added. “What about you? Aren’t you supposed to be in New York?” I laughed.

“Yeah but I kinda wanna stay here before I leave. I’m gonna miss this place.” He said.

“What is there to miss? It’s just a stupid town!” I said back.

“Listen here, Bryce! This town is amazing!” 

“OH really! What is there to do besides riding tractors and getting ice cream!” I said back.

“You just haven’t had the right people to show you everything amazing!” He gulped down a large spoon of ice cream.

“Alright then. Maxwell, I dare you to convince me this summer that this town has more to offer.” I smirked, knowing a guy like Maxwell wouldn’t agree.

“Deal!” He said which shocked me.

“Fine. Give me your number. Starting tomorrow, Maxwell, your challenge is to convince me this town ain't so bad.”

“Max. Since we’re going to be hanging out all summer, might as well call me Max.” He said.

“Very well then, Max. Let’s see how this summer goes.”


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they got themselves into a deal. the toll this deal will have on their futures is exciting. i'm shitting myself right now!

btw i love doing these banners!

bye! i love you all!

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