Petrifying Reminder

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Y/N's Point of View

I fixed my jacket when it was a little uncomfy for some reason, a few pats and buttoning the ones of the abdomen made it feel much more like the usual times. With that out of the way, I set the table up and told these ladies to sit down. They both tried to help but I denied them from doing so when it felt like something happened.

I could tell they were anxious but I just passed them a serving for each and took mine for myself. The way we were seated was a little strange, me and Vex took the ones isolated, Kai'sa was seated in front of Evelynn and Ahri beside Kai'sa. I looked at Akali and she just raised her eyebrows before grabbing the spoon. Talking can wait, I just want to eat.

I want to say we ate in peace but Evelynn and Vex had this weird static as they stared at each other. Guess I could say it was Eve that caused Vex to fight but I wonder what made Evelynn do that. She's usually much more quiet like Vex so I thought they'd get along better. Strange.

The one I was waiting for was Kai'sa. She was the last one to put the spoon down and I just smiled as I looked at them.

"I'll just go straight to the point. Who or what caused this?" I asked as I used my right index finger to point at the couch. Kai'sa, Akali and Ahri was the one who flinched while Evelynn and Vex were busy with their stares.

...1,2,3 tick, 1, 2,3 tock, 1,2,3...

Seems like no one wanted to answer. I just groaned as I planted my right palm to my face and leaned my back on the chair. I pulled my arm down hoping those two would break their death stares but no, in fact it got a little worse when I could see Evelynn's eyebrow furrowing as well as Vex.

"The two of you enough," I said as I slapped the table a little with my left arm. This finally took their attention but that hateful gaze didn't disappear from their face.  I could feel it piercing through me causing me to scoff quietly when it really was annoying. I inhaled a deep one hoping to make them realize their actions especially when these two don't seem like they'd listen. It was annoying really to the point I unconsciously glared at them both when I didn't like their gaze.

I saw how they backed away as their glare turned into sulking eyes. Surprised when their eyebrows were raised but those eyes, all it showed was fear when their expression was no different to the people on the edge of the gun.

That thought made me shut my eye forcefully as I smacked my lips. To let anger get the best of's quite a shameful display on my side and I admit it. I had no plans to scare them I promise, it's just...ngghh.

"Now, what caused all...this?" I asked as my right thumb pointed at the living room. I didn't open my eyes when I knew I wasn't calm yet besides, I didn't want to see those expressions.

Still, it's quite surprising to see these two act out of their place but looks like my presence is the reason they're being tame...for now I bet. 

"Uhh, we kinda asked how you met  Vex," Akali replied with a forced smile. This just made me groan when I don't even see how that would be a fun story at all.

I leaned my weight in front and used my elbows to support myself. I clasped my arms as they hid my mouth and just closed my eyes to calm myself a little.

"And I just answered what was asked," Vex continued, this made me open my eyes and I saw how she leaned her back to the chair. Hmm, she's quite talkative for today so I looked at her side only for hers to avoid mine. That's how she usually acts so I guess that's good. Even then,

"That doesn't answer why you'd want to kill them," I just replied. Vex groaned while her shadow took a peek below the table with that worried expression.

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