Problem After Another

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(Evelynn's Point of View)

"They're asking us for 100,000 dollars for all the things we used. Even with how much we invested in the studio, they're planning on making our life hell," Ahri said making me flinch at the amount.

We were sitting on her bed and I just kept caressing her side while her head leaned on my right shoulder. I pressed my head lightly on hers to just to make her feel comfortable, this was getting way out of hand. Why would they this far? I'm scared and worried but I have to stay strong for the group. We could borrow from the bank or from Y/N but...wouldn't it be shameful for us to do so.

"Shhh darling, we'll find a way," I tried to comfort her while trying to ignore this hollow feeling inside my stomache. I know it's bad to lie but I have to keep her morale from crumbling down.

I tried to find another way than borrow and that's when I saw a piece of my face reflecting on the mirror from the closet. As much as I want to model, I'm certain they don't want someone who is freshly fired from a famous studio. Damn it, is their any other way? That was when an idea came to mind but I unconsciously tensed my left leg when I thought about working on a brothel. This was the only thing that comes to mind. If it meant taking a bullet for these girls then it would be worth it. The pay would usually amount from a thousand to 5,000 dollars but can I handle it all by myself? I gritted my teeth lightly when there was no other way. I faked myself a smile as I combed Ahri's hair trying to numb this pain inside my chest.

After a moment, I laid Ahri down to her bed when all that fatigue caught up to her. I should go find anyone who's hiring tonight. I walked outside and quietly closed the door on Ahri's room before heading inside mine. I locked the door and sat on my bed only to break down in tears unconsciously when I finally decided to go with what I thought a while ago. I remembered what Ezreal said a while ago but that made me cry harder, I took my pillow to cancel the noise as I sobbed in order to hide it from the others. Just when I thought things would turn out alright trouble came crashing down on us. What the hell did we do to deserve something like this? I tried my best to calm down but the simple image of what was going to happen if I go kept popping inside my mind. It kept igniting my fear and it kept breaking my will when I saw it so I tried to fight back by thinking about something else. I laid down on my bed as I hugged the pillow and tried to calm down again. Maybe...maybe a nap could help me lighten up.

(Y/N's Point of View)

I frowned all while looking at the phone Cole bought for me. I didn't open it yet when my mind was thinking about what I heard, when I felt Evelynn left Ahri's room I tried to talk with her but only saw the door on her room closing. I saw the knob jitter a little indicating it was locked making me sigh, I walked in front of Evelynn's door and tried to knock but I heard a faint sound of wails being muffled. I decided to give her some time alone and went back to mine.

Should I just ignore that? 100,000 dollars is not a funny amount that you could throw anywhere. For these people who have zero income, such amount is almost close to impossible. Maybe if they'll ask for me then that would reduce my guilt for sticking my nose in somebody's business. I sighed and started unpacking this phone, there was a couple of things I had to set up but I just wanted to make a call.

It took me 30 minutes just to set this stupid thing up and it felt a little irritating. Why does HexCore technologies do these? Well I did learn some things I never thought would have even existed but it involved into something I didn't really need so I ignored that. I heard a truck parking outside, since this place is much more quiet it was easy to hear it.

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