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"I think you're fucking crazy.".

There was a strained sort of laughter in the room. It was light and distinctive with a slight wheeze for breath at the end.

Toshinori stared out the window with a half smile, half frown on his face. What could he do but find some sort of demented humor in the situation?

Tsukauchi's voice played in his mind. The very first time he had learned of Sanyu's existence. It was a pretty rushed call. Explaining just the bare minimum. Tomorrow had succeeded, that a hero from another world was here now and that they were supposed to be more powerful than the symbol of peace.

He never could have predicted that it would end like this. With that hero, Oyama Sanyu, changing the world so vastly and so quickly.

Shigaraki Tomura was no more, vaporized by the blast. Jaku city was leveled and much of the rubble was reduced to ash. It would be easier to rebuild though.

The waves created by the blast caused very minimal damage and no one was hurt or killed.

Well almost no one.

Toshinori's eyes traveled to the photo taped to the wall. It was a group shot-no-more than that. A family portrait.

Jackson had his large arms swung around the whole group and he had a blinding smile on his face. Tao had his arm around Keigo's waist and the hero had a shy smile on his face, his tiny damaged wings barely visible in the background. Vivian and Haemon were squished together in the corner of the frame with subtle smiles on their faces. The oldest members of the Six were still alive. Yuliana and Aizawa, who was being supported by the otherworldly hero, were smiling softly. The teacher must have been in quite a lot of pain at the time the photo was taken, but so were most of the heroes in the picture. Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki were standing with Mirko's one remaining arm wrapped around them, each with bewildered smiles. Midoriya, very kindly, was holding up his phone which displayed a picture of Toshinori in his weakened form, smiling.

And in the center of the picture were Mirio and Sanyu. Sanyu was beaming, but he looked rough. His skin was pale and the whole left side of his body was bruised. He was barely standing, which was covered by the fact Mirio was practically carrying him anyway.

Right before the picture had been taken Mirio leaned in so he was kissing Sanyu's cheek, despite his boyfriend looking like he was on the brink of death.

Little did they know, he had been.

Looking at that photo, you would never think it would become one of many things to become the last.

So many lasts had occurred over the course of that battle.

"I hope wherever he is," The old hero said, eyes glued to the scenery outside the window, "he's at peace.".

"I don't." A voice said, breaking the silence and the atmosphere. All Might turned to face the owner of the voice.

"You didn't know him-understand him like I did." He said softly.

"I understood him plenty." The voice replied, "He knew peace, the peace you had brought.".

"That's not quite-" "That's exactly what it is." The voice insisted.

Toshinori rolled his eyes and stood up. "You won't listen to me, will you?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm trying to keep this light." The voice replied.

"Death is never light." Toshinori reminded him, but his tone betrayed his words.

"There are many necessary evils in this world." The person explained, "I'm-its not easy but beating ourselves up about it wont help. Sometimes you have to look at it as the best case scenario.".

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