3: Identify Yourself

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"You seem remarkably relaxed for someone in your position." Tsukauchi said.

He watched for a reaction but the boy didn't so much as flinch or smile. He just sat there in his wheelchair, staring neutrally at the detective.

"Being emotional wouldn't help me." He said. Tskauchi nodded slowly.

"So, I'm going to need to know everything about you. It's my job as a detective." He said. The boy nodded. "Start with your full legal name, date of birth and quirk. Your parents' names too.".

"My full name is Oyama Sanyu. I was born on October 31st 20XX." The boy said robotically. Tsukauchi was starting to think this wasn't his first police interview. "My parents are Oyama Riku and Akimitsu. I don't have a quirk. No one in my world does.".

God he was 15. That was so damn young. Tsukauchi took a deep breath and tried to continue with the questions he had already prepared.

A world where the quirk even never happened....what a thought. That would be completely different. How was the kid not freaking out?

"That's a very Japanese name for someone who has your accent." The detective observed, trying to keep things innocuous enough. Oyama nodded.

"I haven't spoken the language or been to Japan in over two years." He said, "It will probably disappear the more I speak it. Additionally I grew up speaking with the Aomori dialect.".

"Where have you and your family been then? I assume there's no way you could lose the language in Aomori." The detective inquired.

"Heroes barely ever get to spend time at home. My parents live in Tokyo and I go from one mission to the next. I don't live anywhere." Oyama explained.

"So you don't go home at the end of the night? I'm going to guess that means hero work in your world isn't exactly a shift deal." Tsukauchi said, raising an eyebrow to the kid.

"The government deploys us to set locations for each mission. When the mission is complete there is another waiting." Oyama said, "If I had a home base I would never see it, sir.".

A homeless 15 year old with a missing leg. Oh this just kept getting more and more complicated. But Tsukauchi had to keep his cool. Keep it professional.

"So you work for the government? Do they have a system where heroes get a license or do you just start saving people?" The detective asked.

"All our government paperwork goes through the leader of the Six, Jackson Alverez." The boy said, "In my world if you have powers you either hide, find the Six or your country's government finds you first.".

"What happens if they find you first?".

"If they can kill you, they do. If they can't you're imprisoned.".

There was a beat of silence before the detective spoke again.

"Did you say powers?".

"Yes sir.".

"You have powers? Like superpowers?".

"Yes sir.".

See, Tsukauchi's quirk told him when people were lying. When the boy had said he was quirkless, it had been the truth. Everything he had said had been the truth.

Even that.

"What are they? Why do you have powers when no one in your world has a quirk?" The detective asked.

"I-" This was the first bit of hesitation, of genuine human emotion he had seen from the kid. "I was in an accident when I was 12. Very few people survived and when I healed up I had powers. I absorb energy into myself and expel it.".

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