30: Snap Back To It

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Never in his life did Sanyu think he would be sitting on a couch watching his own funeral.

But here he was.

Tao had gone into his future while he was asleep to double check that he would make the journey back to Jackson's apartment in the other world and be able to come back. When he confirmed that he would be able to do it, he left to get some things.

He came back with a lot of things. Two military issued duffel bags containing all of Sanyu's clothes and possessions, a third weirdly shaped bag and the all important cardboard box containing every Marvel movie ever made (except the incredible hulk, that one was awful).

Honestly he would rather be watching one of those movies instead of watching an orchestra play as people filed into a massive stadium to watch his funeral.

Logically he knew that heroes got a lot of publicity and they had many supporters, but he was so far removed from the rest of the world he never saw any of them.

"We tried to keep it short." Tao explained as they waited for the funeral to actually start. "We were all too sad to say much. And we were very picky about who we let speak, except for-well you'll see.".

The music, which was a song Sanyu actually liked thankfully enough, came to a close. The lights went down and a spotlight appeared on stage, next to the memorial thingy covered in flowers.

The picture they chose wasn't a bad one. It must have been one of the one's Lela took and not one from the government, because he was smiling.

"You look so different with short hair." Keigo observed. Sanyu had to agree. He definitely liked it better long though.

Two people emerged from the darkness and stepped up to the podium. Sanyu's mouth fell open. His parents?

"We really didn't have the right to stop them from speaking. Jackson made sure they didn't say anything bad about you." Tao assured the kid, looking pretty nervous himself. "We didn't know if you'd want them to or not, honestly.".

"I haven't seen them in ages." Sanyu said honestly. "They look...older.".

"They are older." Tao replied.

"My name is Oyama Riku, and this is my husband Akimitsu.". Sanyu was shocked that the speech was in Japanese, but then he saw the translations being displayed on a projector above them. "We are Oyama Sanyu's parents.".

His mom appeared to take a deep breath before continuing. "3 years ago my husband and I set out to create a device that would do the impossible.".

"Of course they mention their research." Sanyu said, white hot anger bubbling under his skin.

"Give it a chance." Tao responded.

"We wanted to create a star on earth." She said, "And what we didn't realize at the time was that we had already done it 12 years before on October 31st, when we had Sanyu.".

"Most of you know our son for the person he was after getting his powers. After becoming the savior this world didn't deserve." His father cut in. "The other speeches you'll hear today will focus on that part of his life. The part you all owe your lives too. But we wanted to talk about the child. The little boy we raised for 12 years before his youth was stolen from him.".

Sanyu could barely believe his ears. Was this normal for a hero's funeral? Didn't they usually just pin a medal to some flowers and have someone recall all their achievements.

"Sanyu was a happy child. He excelled in reading, writing and making friends. There was never a dull moment with Sanyu around." His father said, smiling ever so slightly.

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