36: And So It Begins

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"In my defense, he could have really hurt someone." Sanyu said simply.

Tao sighed heavily. "We don't have damage control here, San. You can't do stuff like that.".

"I've been here longer, why are you telling me this?" Sanyu shot back. Tao raised an eyebrow.

"尊重你的长辈, 小子." The purple and black haired man cautioned. Sanyu raised an eyebrow right back.

"强迫我." He replied.

Tao looked absolutely scandalized. "What'd you two just say?" Keigo asked, completely clueless.

"I told him to respect his elders and he said 'force me to'! He basically said 'make me'!" Tao cried, outraged. "Being around other teenagers isn't good for you. I should homeschool you, this isn't working. I'm finding a way back to our world.".

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." Keigo said, trying to keep the peace. "But seriously Sanyu, broken glass? You could have seriously hurt yourself or that man.".

The boy nodded understanding. "I'll be careful from now on." He said, "I don't want to hurt anybody.".

"We know kiddo." Keigo said, ruffling the boy's hair. "This is an adjustment, but it's important that you know what's expected of you while out in the field here.".

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"You're never getting over those cyborg rumors, are you?" Mirio joked when he saw Sanyu's full suit. He shrugged his jacket over his shoulders.

"I am a cyborg." The boy said. "I looked up the definition a little while ago. Technically people with insulin pumps and hearing aids are also cyborgs.".

"Huh." The older teen said, "The standards for a cyborg are lower than I thought. But have you ever thought about sprucing up your costume a bit?".

"Sprucing up...?" Sanyu repeated, confused.

"Yeah, like adding some colour. You are called Supernova after all. They're all sorts of colours!" He said with a wide smile.

He'd never thought about it before. His suit was functional. Just there to easy the strain on his body from how much energy was inside him. That's why it was plain black with some glowing accents. It was just functional.

Colour....he'd have to think about it.

Their first patrol was a straightforward one, Nighteye informed them. "The only catch is we'll be splitting up." The hero explained.

"Why?" Midoriya could never stop himself from asking.

"Sir's on a classified mission!" Bubble Girl said excitedly. Her boss glared at her. "Oops. Classified. My bad." She said, shrinking away from his gaze.

"We're trying to track the movements of several members of the Shie Hassaikai. They're a local yakuza clan that's been making some strange movements these past few days." He showed a few photos of people in plague masks. "That's Chisaki Kai, their leader.".

"Villains like that are unusual these days." Midoriya observed. Nighteye nodded in agreement.

"They're a fading breed. It seems Chisaki is trying to turn that around." The pro hero explained, "Now, no funny business while you're on shift alone.". He looked right at Sanyu as he said that. The kid at least had the decency to look a bit embarrassed about it.

"It won't happen again." He said resolutely.

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