63: Conquered, We Conquer

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Mina and Kirishima made eye contact as Gigantomachia threw yet another group of heroes back. They had lost track of how many heroes had been injured or even killed in the fight.

It seemed to drag on for hours and they were slowly running out of time before Gigantomachia got close enough to Tomura to aid him. If that happened they were sure to lose.

"Get Back!".

The sudden order shocked the students as they scrambled behind some rubble. Bright purple and white whisps of flames surrounded Gigantomachia, swirling around in intricate patterns.

A woman in a bulky hazmat like suit had her hands out, manipulating the whisps. They'd never seen her before and from what they could see of her face she definitely wasn't Japanese. She wasn't in their squad or any others as far as they knew.

"Haemon!" "I'm on it!"

A man dressed in what looked like comfortable lounge clothes raised his own hands, his red eyes glowing brightly. Gigantomachia's eyes turned red as it flailed around for a moment before collapsing on the ground, letting out a noise akin to a snore.

"You kids okay?" The blonde haired, red eyed man asked, his expression unreadable.

"Um...I guess we are." Mina said, confused. "Who're you?".

The man smiled ever so slightly.


At the villa Tao and Vivian ran to find Keigo. Tao hadn't been able to see the future for long, his powers were making his head dizzy from overuse, but he had seen flames and heard a scream.

He figured it was Dabi then.

Suddenly a knife flew out, barely missing Vivian's face. The pair stopped dead as Toga emerged from one of the open doors.

"What do we have here?" She asked with a wide smile, "New blood for me to test? How exciting!". Toga hurled two more knives at the two, one cutting Tao on his upper arm.

The pair watched as Toga's face morphed into Uraraka's. Vivian suddenly smirked and turned into Toga.

The villain was beyond shocked, but smiled even wider. "You go ahead Tao." Vivian said, "I'll take care of her.".

Tao nodded quickly before running past the scene, counting doors as he searched for Keigo. It was the smell of smoke that actually led him to his destination though.

He threw open the doors, coughing as he did so. Dabi had only left a second or so before, on his way to face off against Endeavor. Tao spotted Keigo lying motionless on the floor and rushed over to him, dropping to his knees before hauling the hero up and out to the balcony.

"Keigo!" He said as the man coughed. "You okay? How long were you surrounded by smoke?".

"He said you were gone." The man managed to say between coughs. Tao gave him a concerned look. "Dabi." The man explained, "He said you and Sanyu were gone. That they sent you back to your world and there was no way to get you back. That you wouldn't want to come back anyways.".

And then Tao realized that on top of having inhaled a lot of smoke and having lost most of his feathers, Keigo was crying. "I thought I'd never see you again. That you went home." He said quietly.

"This is our home now." Tao said firmly. "We'd never leave. Especially not in the middle of a fight like this.".

Keigo nodded weekly and clutched Tao's bulletproof vest with a vice grip.

"Come on." The man joked weakly, "I promised to take you out to dinner, didn't I? Can't go back on that now.".

"Now let's get out of here.".

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