19: I Can Take Them

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"Those things aren't human, right?" Sanyu asked. Tokoyami nodded.

"They're not human, the government confirmed it. But their DNA is so mangled it's hard to really tell." He explained.

The question Sanyu really wanted answered was 'can I kill them' and that didn't answer it. Killing it would be easy. He could blast right through it. But if it was human then he couldn't. He wouldn't kill anybody.

He needed orders. Someone should be there, telling him exactly what he could and couldn't do. He felt stressed, frayed at the edges without them. He didn't know the rules here.

Maiming it was. Sanyu let the energy flow out of his core and into his hands. He aimed at the Nomu's arms and put a decent amount of strength into the blast. He nearly blew the thing's arms off, but it was enough.

The chainsaw arms laid limp at the monster's side. "We should go back to the building and regroup." Sanyu said, slipping back into the scripting. Tokoyami agreed and the two set off running.

The burning smell and the signs of a forest fire only became more visible as they fled to higher ground.

They first saw the flames when they reached the front of the building, waiting just outside the doors. Billows of black smoke covered the stars as massive pillars of blue flames engulfed the wilderness.

"This has to be some villain." Tokoyami said. Sanyu had to agree. He gritted his teeth. How dare someone try to target innocent kids. They had done nothing wrong, they didn't deserve this.

The doors burst open to reveal their teacher and Mandalay.

"Oyama! Tokoyami!" The cat themed hero said, "Are you both alright?".

"We're fine, sir." Sanyu said. "But we encountered a 'Nomu'," He put air quotes around the word, hoping they knew what it was, "There could be more of them.".

Aizawa cursed under his breath. Then, there was an explosion somewhere in the forest. Flames spread easily through the downed trees.

Without another thought Sanyu turned to the adults. Orders. He needed orders.

"Permission to eliminate the threat, sir?" He asked Aizawa for permission, thinking that in this situation he was the most in charge.

The man seemed startled at the words and didn't respond. Sanyu furrowed his brow ever so slightly. He didn't want him to take out the threat?

Mandalay seemed confused but far more stressed. Her teammates were out there somewhere, patrolling the grounds at night was a routine task. They would be giving their lives to protect those kids.

"Permission to engage the enemy in combat?" Sanyu tried again. If they didn't want the enemy completely destroyed, maybe they just wanted him to hurt them. Rough them around until they stopped. Neutralize them.

Aizawa opened his mouth to say something, probably to tell Sanyu to get inside and take cover, but Mandalay interrupted him.

"Permission granted." She said before announcing that everyone could now use their quirks to defend themselves.

Sanyu didn't need any further confirmation before shooting off into the sky.

His teacher noted belatedly that he resembled a shooting star. He then turned to tear Mandalay a new one.

"Why did you tell him that?" He demanded, "He's a kid, he should be hiding and finding cover. He needs to be safe, not putting himself in danger.".

"We need all the help we can get. If it was that green haired boy you'd have expected this." The pro hero shot back.

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