Chapter 28: He Ok

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Shino Pov:

I was able to get Artemis to the hospital but the doctors said that if I didn't patch him up and brought him there he would be dead.

Even the person who was trying to heal my love one was in shock to see him breathing. It was heartbreaking after all I don't want to loose him like I did with Database.

The doctor's came out of the hospital and told me some shocking news about Artemis Condition.

Doctor S.- Sir I have some news about your friend connection

Shino- What? Is he ok? Is he going to make it? Pls don't tell me I was to late

Doctor S.- No you were just in time but the news I needed to tell you is that your friend might be in a coma

Shino- What!? Will he wake up? Do you even know when he will wake up?

Doctor S.- I don't know but I do know is that he got lucky. If you didn't patch him up and bring him here he could be dead. If you were also a minute late there was a chance things wouldn't have gone the way it would of.

Shino- I see

Doctor S.- Anyways I need to ask what happen. I called the police on what had happen to this boy and brought his Documents and it doesn't seem to be all to good.

Shino- What is it?

Doctor S.- Well for starters he doesn't have parents and he was never Adopted by the orphan for to long as they would bring him back fearing what would happen if his  real father found out where his son is at but his father dead a week ago in prison by a hero hand.

Shino- Oh god

Shino mind- I didn't know

Doctor S.- Anyways what happen to him?

Shino- I will explain everything later when the police or top Heros come here as I don't feel comfortable to tell you right now. I just want to see if Artemis is ok. Can I see him?

Doctor S.- *sigh* fine but when the police do show up you will have to explain everything to them ok?

Shino- Ok

And with that Doctor S. Lead me to Artemis room where I saw him all Bandage up and everything.

When the doctor left I collapse right next to Artemis crying praying that he will wake up soon and wondering is this all my fault.

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