Chapter 10: A Problem Within An Ally Way

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Artemis Pov:

I was leaving shop when I felt like I was being watch. I knew that there were people at night you know vigilantes, villains and night heroes but this presents feel different

It was like it was watching over me so they can protect me. I didn't know why but it made my heart go a little faster.

While walking home through I heard a scream from an Alleyway. When I turn I saw a teen girl being trap by these drunk dudes that seem to be a little older than her.

Artemis- Hey what are you guys doing?

Drink dude 1: Hey *hick* you like ok cute too *hick*

Drink dude 2: maybe we should take him with us too

Drink dude 3: Ya *hick*

Artemis- You are not taking me anywhere

Drink dude 2- are you sure about that

That is when the second drink guy that seem to be more sober then the other two pin me down but before he can do anything I use my quirk to shadow step out of there and grab the girl too before leaving fully

That is when I check out the girl to see if she was hurt and even offer her to walk her home or at least the street where she live at.

The lucky part was that the girl didn't live that far from me so I was able and to take her home safely and started walking back when the same night hero I saw jump right in front of me

Artemis- Oh hey umm Lucas what's up?

Shino- Well I saw you were in a fight and thought of walking you home

Artemis- That sweet of you but I have myself handle thank you very much

Shino- I could tell you were holding yourself back

Artemis- I was. Even though those people may have disgusting intentions for me and and the girl but they were drunk so I don't think two people there didn't mean what they were doing but the second guy I wasn't too sure

Shino- Why is that?

Artemis- He was more sober then the other two guys and the way he look at me and her was just terrifying I think he may had a mind control quirk reason why I left there fast

Shino- I see but are you sure?

Artemis- I'm sure I don't want to bother you after all you may have hero work

Shino- Artemis I know you are a hero too

Artemis- If you are talking about my unbra days they are most likely done. I know I still help out with the whole villain thing but I would rather work at my shop then do hero work 24-7. The reason why I would help someone when I see them in danger

Shino- I see but what about the money and the fame

Artemis- Your joking right? Who wants money and fame when the job you are doing doesn't make you happy. Look Lucas the reason why I don't help a lot with hero stuff other than there hero costume and items is because

Shino- Something happen didn't it?

Artemis- Even if that is the case it was nice talking to you and all but I have to go but before I do

That is when I gave then a hero item

Shino- Thank you what is it for through?

Artemis- Well I know that you use light to get your powers and all like I use darkness but this device will help you gain more light energy so you can use your quirk more often when nighttime falls

Shino- Wait really!?

Artemis- Of course

Shino- Wow thank you so much

Artemis- No problem

With that through I wave him goodbye and shadow step to my house not wanting him to find my place making me think about the crazy day I just went threw before falling asleep so I can get ready for the next day to arrive.

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