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✨I trust you

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I trust you. I trust you with myself

I'm going deeper with you this night

I stirred the rice porridge in the pot.

I got out of his embrace as soon as my eyes opened. I slept hardly fifteen minutes. Could've left him but I didn't want to. I wanted to take care of him. Wanted to make something for him to eat. He didn't have any food except for the mustard bottle and a few cans of beer.
In his cabinet, only a tin of corn and fruit loops. But the bottom cabinet was stocked with whiskey, bourbon, and gin. All bottles were half full.
I had to go down to my apartment and bring some stuff up like rice, bread, eggs, milk. Even got him a few cans of soda and bottled water.

I was too busy in my thoughts that I didn't even hear him come down the stairs until he says "Hey." I look up with a hum and he smiles "You're still here." I purse in my lips and nod, getting back to my stirring "Porridge is almost down. Take a seat." He scrunches up at the mention of it "I think I'll order pizza." I leave the wooden spoon in the pot and put my hands on my hips "Sit." He puts his phone back on the table near the door and smiles with a raised eyebrow, whispering "Yes, ma'am." I realized what I did.

God, I've become my mother.

He takes a seat on one of the chairs of the island and waits till I serve the porridge in the bowl and keep it in front of him with a slice of toasted bread with unsalted butter melted on it. I hold up the spoon for him. He takes it from my hand and scoops, blowing gentle air on the hot content and then putting it in his mouth. He waits a second then nods to himself and goes in for another one. I reached over the island and put my hand on his forehead. He looks up and waits for me to say "You were burning up when I checked on you earlier. Thank god the fever broke."

"You were worried about me, Curvy?"

I nod "Of course, I was. You were talking nonsense because of the pills." He kept the spoon down "Nonsense?" I nod again "You kept calling me superwoman." He chuckles "As stupid as that may sound, I meant it. I owe you one, Curvy." I shake my head "You don't owe me anything." He stays quiet and goes back to his food. I stand there watching him eat. Making sure that he finishes every bite.

Seconds later, he smiles without even looking up "Don't just stand there. Tell me what's on your mind."

"In my mind? I can't stop replaying the pain you went through, Nick. The way you cried- it was horrible. I can't help thinking how helpless I was till the medics came."
I spewed it all out. Without thinking. I clench my eyes as I curse myself for it. I shouldn't be reminded of the pain he went through.

Never remind the person of the pain they went through. They're trying to forget it for a reason.

He sits up and pushes the plate of the porridge, -hardly three bites left- resting his back against the backrest "True. But I was glad that I had you with me." He pauses "You know when I walked up the stairs and saw you smiling down, thinking I was Jade, I wanted to cry then and there because the pain in my chest was starting to get unbearable. But like the stupid male I am, I continued to climb up. And I was glad for when I reached the door. But I cursed you when you knocked on it to ask how I was. I called you dumb -and I'm sorry for that- didn't realize how wrong I was until you held me till I was rushed to the ER." He exhales "You made the pain bearable when I was in the ambulance. Because you were with me. That's why you're my hero." I smile and shake my head when he called me his hero again.

Love, Curvy | 18+Where stories live. Discover now