We Love you Luffy!

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Luffy turned around, to the voice which called him. He didn't say anything. The whole ship was silenced. Dragon, who watched his son, smiled.

Luffy just gave out a confused look.

Sabo took another huge breath and saw Luffy in his eyes and said,

"Luffy, it's me!"

Ace inwardly cursed, what was Sabo thinking? That the first thing to across Luffy's mind after seeing a blonde-haired man with blue clothes is Sabo? Of course not!

"Huh? What do you mean, It's me? Do I know you?" Luffy asked,

Luffy looked at Robin who was standing next to Koala, seeking for help since she always reminded him of people's faces. But Robin, simply smiled.

Luffy couldn't recognise Dragon, but found his tattoo quite interesting. The silence on the ship was unbearable for Luffy, he quickly got distracted and said,

"Whatever I don't remember, Sanji FOOD!" Luffy turned around to look at his cook, but stopped the pleading when he saw the serious faces of his crew.

"Luffy stop!" It was Ace, going full on brother mode.

It confused Luffy.

Sabo felt pain, but didn't show on his face.

Luffy wasn't a complete idiot. He knew when to be serious and he knew when not to joke around.

"Ok man, I am not able to recognize you," Luffy sighed,

"Can't you recognize your own brother?" Sabo asked,

Luffy shot his head up and fired at Sabo,

"Brother? Listen here! I don't remember you! But I do remember that I never called random people Brother! The only people who I call brother are Ace, who is standing right next to you! Ace say something!" Luffy whined,

Sabo smirked a little, and took his hat off. He used his fingers like comb for his hair.

Sabo did realize that Luffy does remember him. He noticed the plural form 'are'. Sabo took this opportunity to ask Luffy,


Luffy was taken back.

This time Luffy reminded himself of Sabo.

Sabo's features and Sabo's voice.

What did Sabo look like?

He had round eyes, a missing tooth, short curly blonde hair. He always wore a huge black hat and blue goggles. He also was wearing a blue jacket, and some of noble clothes.

The guy in front of him was quite similar too, wasn't he?

What was this looking like? Black coat, blue shirt, Black hat and blue goggles?

Luffy gulped and looked at the guy in front of him again,

"And my other brother, who died a long time ago..."

Sabo smiled, apologetically.

Luffy looked at Ace who was nodding with a small smile.

Luffy's eyes widened. 'Sabo?'

That's not possible right? Luffy took a step back, another step back murmuring

"No way,"

Which was quite audible. He stopped in his feet and had his eyes covered with his thick black hair. He looked at Sabo with a teary wide eye. Sabo's heart clutched seeing his little brother in teary state.

We Love you Luffy!!Where stories live. Discover now