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Robin was now walking towards the room where Dragon abides, she was shocked when she read that her captain was going to be executed, she can't let her captain die. this is her chance to protect him just the way he protected her from her problems and miseries.

"excuse me, ma'am, may I know where do you want to go?" it was koala

"to the Supreme Commander Monkey D. Dragon." robin cut short and walked away without listening to the other girl's words which were mostly 'he's in a meeting please wait'.

Robin knows dragon's cabin as the revolutionaries who helped her yesterday from labor island continuously said to meet the commander or go 'this way to meet the commander when you're free.

when she reached, she did not bother knocking and asking permission instead she pushed the door and faced the Supreme Commander Monkey D. Dragon and his second in command.

"what brings the demon child Nico robin to my cabin?" asked dragon, the other person was facing dragon so she couldn't see his face.

"I think you already know the reason sir"

"Please don't call me that, you can call me dragon"

"as you may already know, my captain monkey d Luffy is captured and will be executed within the next few days, I have to go and stop this execution. since you are biologically captain's father, I would like to think that you would do something to stop this." robin started

"well, why would a person who betrays people or more likely use them for her benefits like to protect Luffy? what if you want to betray him after getting what you want" sabo spoke with sarcasm

"I don't answer people who I don't know," Robin said confidently

"I'm the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, recognized as the No. 2 of the entire organization outranked only by Supreme Commander Dragon. Name is Sabo."

"Nice to meet you sabo san" robin shook sabo's hand

"I would like to know who told you that dragon is Luffy's father" sabo interrogated her

"Well, firstly I would like you to speak my captain's name with respect. captain's grandfather enclosed this to captain and some others, and for the statement sabo san said, I would never" robin said the last part in a cold voice.

"what do you mean never?" dragon was suddenly interested

"My captain is a person who protected me from crisis and I owe him my life. that day I promised myself to give my savior what wants, I will help captain Luffy be the king of pirates." robin said with determination

"I'm happy that he found such nice people" sabo whispered which robin heard

"how do you know Luffy san?" it was robin's time to interrogate

"Luffy is my little brother" sabo answered

"who is the other sibling Luffy dan has? is it a brother or sister? older or younger? name and age gap." robin riddled

"oh, riddles I love them! but are you sure you are asking the right person? if I am sitting in front of dragon and saying that I am Luffy's older brother then how can you think I'm lying?"

"because Luffy san has never mentioned about have an older brother whit blond hair, and I have gone through many associations, I don't know if you are telling the truth."

"hmm ok, Luffy's other sibling - Name
Portagas D Ace, Role; Big Brother, Age; 20, 3 years older than Luffy."

"something Luffy san loves more than anything"


"something he treasures more than anything"

"his straw hat"

"who gave it?"

"red-haired shanks"

"ok I believe you"

"that's all?"

"I wanted to see more" dragon said in disappointment

"Ok then, we have already planned on how to save Luffy, one of your crewmates is on his way here," Sabo explained

"Who is that crewmate?" Robin inquired

"Black foot Sanji, according to the information you gave to us, you were thrown by warlord Kuma," Sabo stated

"Yes, not only me, even my crewmates." Robin conformed

They planned to break into impel down. On the way, they will meet Sanji's team, if the plan fails they have plan b.


Chopper knew Luffy was captured but first, he had to solve the problem in the Torino kingdom so that they could help him in Luffy's matter.

Right now chopper explained his problem to the humans and the birds of the Torino kingdom.

"To all my beloved people, raccoon dog has helped us so much, the only way we can return the favor is by helping him get back his captain. This is the least we could do!" One of the humans said loudly

"Thank you, guys. And I'm NOT RACCOON DOG!!"

"We all come for the war!" Shouted one of the humans

"No! I just want few birds to come with me that's all"

"How can you fight and win a war with few birds?!"

"I don't know, my crew will be already there to protect our captain,"

"ok raccoon dog we agree with you but if you won't return and tell us about the war, we will come ourselves to find you!"

"I'll come to tell you about my well being but I must reside next to my captain"

Chopper hoped on the bird and flew with high speed to Marineford.

Karakuri island

Frankly and his squad (that little boy, old man, and the dog) were on a mission to make something that will help him move 10 times faster than normal. He was preparing a suit that will help him fly.

It was yesterday he came to know about the execution.

"Finally Franky SUPER suit is ready!" Franky Uhm Frankie-ed?

"But it still doesn't have pants"

"No big deal! It's SUPER!"

After 2 hours of customization

"10 liters of cola check. Thank you, guys! With this, I can reach Marineford within 4days."

And just like that Franky left the island flying like a SUPERhero.


Hey, guys hope you like the chapter. Nami's continuation will happen in the next part. If you like the chapter, Comment, and vote.
Have a great day.

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