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- Moby Dick

"Are you stupid?! It was just a few days ago we explained how dangerous it can be, and now you want to go to Impel down?!" Marco pulled his hair in frustration,

"Yea Ace, we already planned about this and finalized that we will wait near Marineford," Thatch said with a worried tone,

"If you get caught, it will be very hard for us to save you! Can't you wait for a few minutes?!" Nami shouted,

"pops," Ace called whitebeard,

"son, tell me one reason why I should send you," whitebeard demanded,

"One of my brothers is captured, the other one went to protect him. He must have been spotted already and might be running away from prisoners to protect himself, I want to -"

"Go," whitebeard accepted Ace's request,

"But pops-" Marco was cut off by whitebeard,

"Ace, Whatever happens, you must return safely!" Whitebeard ordered,

"yes pops!" Ace saluted and left the place and ran towards his striker,

"How pops? How can you leave him like that?" Marco asked in an exhausted tone,

"are you planning to go with him?" Thatch asked,

"not till now but thanks for the idea. Pops! I'll go with Ace!" Marco asked,

"you can go," whitebeard accepted,

"What but you are the strongest after the captain! If you go we will be one less!" Nami shouted,

"You haven't seen their power yet, they are as powerful as me," Marco said to which Haruta and Thatch raised chest with proud,

"Nah, maybe a little weak," Marco shouted and left the place with angry Haruta and Thatch,


- Outside Impel down

"But Rayleigh san! Our plan is picture perfect! If we go to Marineford then we have to fight!" Chopper protested,

Law accepted the idea immediately to chopper's surprise. He brought an idea of splitting up.

Law and Franky were okay with going to Marineford but others weren't,

"We have to fight here too, hahaha," Rayleigh laughed as Chopper pouted,

"But here the fighting is less, there it's more!" Chopper reasoned,

"What are we? Pirates! If you are afraid of fights, then how can you be a great pirate?" Rayleigh asked,

"If I am not afraid of fights, can I be a great pirate?" Chopper asked,

"That's right, and when you succeed getting over your frights, then you will be the bravest warrior of the sea," Rayleigh patted Chopper,

"Really?!" Chopper had stars in his eyes,

"Yes-" Rayleigh was cut off mid-sentence,

"Not in million chances!" Shouted Usopp,

"Usopp!? What are you doing? I thought you were sick?! How are you feeling now?" Chopper asked in a worried tone,

"I am fine, but! There is only one man in this world who will be the bravest warrior of the sea! and that's Me!" Usopp shouted,

"Shut up! Get out if you can't be quiet!" Law shouted at Usopp to which Usopp apologized,

"don't worry Usopp," chopper said with a smile,


"I know how much your dream is important to you, even I have my own dream of finding  meds and treatments for all the diseases in the world,"

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