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"What!?" shouted the Heart pirates

"No way!" Franky and Brook were shocked,

"More people!!" Usopp and chopper cried in joy,

"but why would a yonko want to save strawhat?" asked law,

"About that... we will see later," Rayleigh said,


- Moby Dick

"What no way!" Thatch dumbfounded,

"Rayleigh too?! Marco! Why are you not surprised ?!" shouted Izo,

"I said you, I won't be amazed for something, after all that I have experienced," Marco gave in stating the obvious,

"so there are people in Impel down already?" asked Ace,

"Yes, four. Two of them are Straw hat pirates," Dragon informed,

"what really? who are they?" asked Nami,

"The archaeologist and the cook,"

"Robin and Sanji?! Nice! they are powerful," Nami said proudly,

"Sir! There is a call for you! It's from Sabo!" shouted Bunny Joe,

"Yes I am coming,"

'Sabo?... no! many people have that name... it's fine'


"It's so hot! huff... Sabo kun! What are you doing there?" asked Koala,

"Calling Dragon,"

"What?! Why?!" asked Koala,

"By now, they should know how we look, if they get the word that the revolutionaries are involved, then it's going to be hard to save Luffy," Sabo reasoned,

"sometimes that thing of yours works right..." Koala said,

"What thing?"

"that brain which has only one cell," Koala mocked Sabo,

"Shut up!"


"Yes, Sabo, tell me," Dragon answered the call,

"we got exposed,"

"when did you, ever do things the way I wanted you to," Dragon sighed,

"It was not me, I swear ask Koala, It was the Strawhats," Sabo defended himself,

"Whatever happens don't get caught, reach level 5 and look for Ivankov, free him  we will have more people, easy to escape," Dragon ordered,

"yes sir, is Team B ready?"

"About that, yes. Surprise, surprise, we are with the Whitebeard pirates,"

"No way! Ace pulled it off, huh!" 

"That's right. Now continue the mission,"



Dragon turned around to see the owner of the voice,

"I guess you have some questions for me, Ace..." Dragon sighed,


- Impel down

"these guards are pain in butt, huff" Zoro was exhausted,

"where are the others?" asked Sanji,

"don't know maybe they got lost,"

"Tch, Where to go now,"

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