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"You sure want to hang around here? Your captain's about to loose his head, Zehahahaha," Blackbeard mocked,

Sabo growled in anger,

"Iva..." Sabo called,

"Yes Sabo boy," Ivankov became tensed as he never saw Sabo like that,

"I want to take this guy down, no matter what it takes!!" Sabo yelled,

"Sabo boy..."

"Zehahaha, looks like you all are his minions! Don't worry after some time when he dies he will be free," Blackbeard spoke,

"Shut your mouth!" Sabo jumped high in the air and landed a hard core punch on Blackbeard making him clash towards the wall,


"Flaming Onigiri!" Not missing a beat Zoro took the lead,

"Captain!" Van and Doc Q said looking at their captain,

"Black Vortex!" Blackbeard spelled,

Zoro's attack got nullified,

"Huh?" Zoro gasped when he realized that the attack did no harm to the enemy,

"Zoro boy!" Ivankov shouted,

Blackbeard grabbed Zoro with his left hand and smashed his head to the floor,


"That didn't do a thing," Zoro said standing up a catching his swords again, Blood was dripping from head and his eyes was red,

"Marimo! Come back here!" Sanji shouted,

"You are Black beard right? I heard some no-name pirate from Whitebeard's ship had taken my place, but this is strange," Crocodile spoke,


"You should have been summoned to defend Navy headquarters, and yet you are here. You have obviously forfeited the title of warlord of the sea by coming here," Crocodile said,

"Everything is going according to the plan, there were some bumps along the way, but is there any reason, I should tell you about it, Mr, Crocodile?" Blackbeard smirked,

"Not at all,"

"Zehahaha, First mate, you are still on? Let me tell you quick story before you and your captain die,"

"Three sword style secret technique- Three thousand worlds!" Zoro attacked,

"Near an island called Amazon lily," Blackbeard started his story as he was defending himself,

"Shut up! Onigiri!"

"There was a boat and a boy,"

"Tiger trap!"

"That boy was a gullible idiot,"

"Epaule Sprawl!" Sanji soon joined Zoro's side,

"I caught my golden ticket for Warlord position in just few seconds,"

"Dragon Twister!"

"Before he could even realize what was happening,"

"Crab grab!"

"He was on his line for his execution,"

It would be a lie if Blackbeard was standing still without any damage. All Zoro's attacks did a number on him, it was total shock for Zoro when he realized none of the Blackbeard's pirates came to protect him.

"Warden Magellan is here!"

"Oh no! We are doomed!"

"Run for you life!"

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