|Forty Two: Lower Your Eyelids To Die With the Sun|

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Some people in this world would only ever be human. They would wake up, go to work, and go home again to a significant other, or perhaps an entire family, or just an empty apartment. They answered to their boss, who answered to their boss, and their boss, and so on, and very rarely they were the boss. Very rarely, there was a person who answered to nobody but themself. And more often than not they abused the power that they had. Power was a terrifying thing to obtain, especially because the feeling of being powerless was the worst a person can feel. If someone felt helpless, that was it. They had no answers for the questions they might have had, and they had nothing to show for everything they worked for. They had been abused so badly by the person with power that they felt useless in fighting for even a tiny piece of it.

So they bowed.

They bowed down to whoever it was that held the power, just because it allowed them to live.

And Sam was no different.

As he knelt, the dirt crumbled beneath him, grass crunching and snapping as his weight pressed down on the blades. Though his head faced the ground, feeling heavy on his neck since he was not allowed to glance up, he knew that Aeron stood behind him. His presence was a comfort, despite what Sam had figured out about the dark angel.

Aeron was the Death Whisperer.

And he had saved Sam.

He had spared Sam's life, when the assassin was only trained to kill.

He still did not know the reason why.

"Stand," Gavreel ordered, voice carrying far despite being outside. The sun beaming down from the bright, blue sky was nothing but contradictory from the pure darkness emanating from the angel.

Obliging, Sam stood on shaky legs, trying to school his features into neutrality, something he realised Aeron was far better at than him. The assassin remained beside him, not daring to even side glance the angel addressed.

"My weapon." Gavreel surveyed Sam, smiling when his sapphire eyes- now obviously identical to Sam's- landed on the golden band crowning Sam's head. The missing Angel Prince had returned.

My weapon.

He was to be used lethally like an object. That was what his training was meant for. That was why he had spent however many weeks living out regimented days with a strict diet and a ruthless mentor. And Sam knew now that he was invincible, eternal, as Aeron liked to call him. Immortal was not a strong enough descriptor.

Stay quiet, a voice told him.

Aeron, he knew now. That voice was Aeron.

"The moment you were born I knew you were different," Gavreel began, stepping down from the dais he had placed himself upon. Two guards flanked him, though Sam knew he did not need them. He was more than capable of defending himself. "And you have only proved that ever since. What you did to the Vampire Princess- delightful."

She's human now, Aeron silently informed him.

Sam swallowed thickly.

Cassius would never forgive him.

Gavreel continued, "It is time to accept who you really are, Samuel. You are an angel with immense power that cannot be defeated, and I have been waiting for this day to come for many years."

"What the fuck are you going to do to me?" Sam finally snapped, something inside of him coming unhinged. His death mark burned in warning, but he ignored it and continued anyway, "What the fuck do you want from me? I have nothing left to give!" He lunged for his real father, but was held back by two, strong arms. Sam knew fighting his way out of Aeron's grip was pointless.

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