|Nineteen: Only a Game|

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Sam felt different, but not in a good way. He felt sick to his stomach knowing he had killed not one, but two people. He knew that if he didn't kill them, they would have killed him. However that didn't make it any easier to process. They were vampires and though he knew that it was about to be his duty to kill them, he couldn't get Cassius out of his mind. If the Prince ever found out what Sam had done, he would probably hate him- if he didn't already. 

Leaving the vampire felt like the hardest decision he had ever made, since all of him was telling him to stay. His entire heart and soul was begging him to give in and just be with the boy, kiss him, touch him and hold him. But he knew that if he gave into temptation then he would suffer the consequences eventually. 

"Stay glamoured. Keep your bow by your side at all times," His dad instructed. 


His bow. 

"I left it at the apartment," Sam told him, panicking after realising his mistake. He dropped it on the ground after killing the first vampire, unable to hold the object as he was in too much shock. At this his dad's face twisted, conflicted on what to do. "We're only a block away from the apartment. I'll fly there and get it," Sam told him, his wings appearing behind him. 

"We can get you another bow, Sam. We should keep moving," Micah told him. 

"Yeah but how long will that take? What if we're attacked again and I don't have a weapon? I'll be quick, I promise," Sam argued, hearing his dad sigh before nodding. 

"Go, and then head straight to Uriel's," Micah ordered. 

"Okay," Sam agreed before taking off into the sky. He soared gracefully through the air, his wings flapping behind him as he flew over the city. Down below he saw strangers walking on the sidewalk, unaware of the ethereal being above them. 

Quickly he flew through his window, brows furrowing as it was already open. He recalled closing it, but maybe he just forgot to shut it since they were in such a hurry to leave. It was a possibility.

He put his wings away after he landed, glad he was finally getting better at using them. 

It was eerily quiet as he walked through the hall, frowning at everything they had to leave behind. He grew up there, and he didn't want to think they could never go back. Honestly he hoped this was a temporary situation, because this was where his mom used to live too. This was her home, and he didn't want it to be destroyed.

As he entered the room where he had left his weapon, his heart leaped out of his chest and he took a sharp intake of breath. 

He was there, head in hands as he muffled his choked sobs. However at the sound of someone entering, the vampire quickly looked up to see who it was. 

Immediately he sighed in relief at the sight of Sam, who was once again frozen in place. 

"You're alive," Cassius choked out happily, rushing to his feet to pull the angel to his chest. 

Instinctively, Sam wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and inhaled his musky scent, suddenly at ease in his embrace. 

"I-I thought you were dead." Cassius ran his fingers through the boy's hair and kissed the top of his head. 

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked before gulping, blinking up at him through his long lashes. 

"Claudia told me about vampire attacks. I had to see if you were okay," Cassius explained, cupping the boy's face with his hands, searching the boy's eyes desperately for some sense of comfort. Sam placed one of his hands over the vampire's, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over the soft skin. 

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