|Sixteen: All Mirrors|

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On the horizon, Cassius and Sam could see the sun beginning to rise. They had been on the rooftop for hours, but it felt like only minutes. Each moment they spent with each other seemed to go so fast, almost as if the universe wanted to rip them away from one another as soon as it could. They were aware they needed to leave soon, before Cassius was burned alive by the harsh sunlight. 

"We have to go," Sam whispered, breaking the comfortable silence they had been sat in for a while. Someone had to do it, and the angel decided it was going to be him. Admittedly he didn't want to go home. This place was beautiful, and if he left he would go back to reality, a reality in which himself and Cassius could never converse. 

"Just another minute," Cassius begged, turning to face the angel who was already looking at him. Sam's eyes were such a deep blue, an ocean he wanted to swim in and if he drowned then so be it. As he blinked, his eyelashes cast a shadow over his prominent cheekbones. The freckles that dusted his cheeks made him look more innocent than he actually was, encapsulating the true essence of a real angel. 

Sam licked over his lips before saying, "I don't want this moment to end." 

Cassius smiled. 

"But you'll burn to death if we don't get off this rooftop," The angel added, causing the vampire to purse his lips. He wished things were different, and that being a vampire didn't mean he was a slave to the daytime. He thrived in darkness, but as soon as the day came he felt useless. 

"The sunrise is so beautiful, don't you think?" Cassius said softly. He didn't give the angel a chance to reply before saying, "I can see it from my window at home, and it just reminds me I'll never be able to fully enjoy it." 

"Have you tried sunscreen? It works wonders, supposed to help the aging process," Sam suggested jokingly, making the vampire roll his eyes. Then the angel became a little more serious. "Do you ever wish you were human?" He asked. 

"No," Cassius confessed. "I wouldn't want to spend my life worrying about the fact that with each passing day, I am one step closer to death. They worry too much, get diseases, and die from said diseases. They also have really weird traditions, like birthdays. I hate those," He added. 

"You hate birthdays?" Sam laughed. "How old are you anyway? Are you one of those ancient vampires that's two hundred years old but looks nineteen?" 

"I'm only twenty. I'm not ancient actually. I stopped aging this year since I was born a vampire," Cassius explained. "I'm younger than you, and we get to stay young together." 

"It's hard to believe we're immortal. We're stuck like this forever," Sam stated. 

Cassius' eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why was that such a bad thing? Did Sam really want to die? He assumed nobody did. 

However Sam was human for the first twenty one years of his life, and therefore pictured his life turning out differently. He may have wanted to grow old and take care of a family, maybe move to a suburban area where he would raise his kids and die happily of old age. But now the possibility had been taken from him. He was no longer going to age, and he would never be able to live a normal life. 

"Did you want a family?" The vampire asked.

Sam shrugged. "I don't know. I'd thought about it, but it was always something for the future. Now I'm not sure if it's possible anymore. It's a dangerous world to bring them into, but not something I would want to hide from them either," He confessed, looking at the horizon again. The sun was slowly rising higher in the sky, acting as a clock counting down the last few moments they were allowed to spend together. "Not that it matters. I am what I am and I can't change that." 

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