|Nine: Starboy|

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"I should have known you weren't dead!" Sam snarled. "But at least now I can kill you myself."

It hurt. His words hurt more than he could have ever imagined, and Cassius didn't know where to go from there. He felt helpless as he stared at Sam who was pure rage and fury. Rightfully so, he just found out that Cassius was a vampire who had attacked his father. He assumed that even without the feud between their two kinds, Sam would be afraid of him when he found out that Cassius was a vampire. 

"You don't have to do this, Sam," Cassius pleaded, still holding his hands up in defense. He knew he would easily dodge the boy's arrows, but he didn't want to leave knowing the angel despised him. He had become infatuated with Sam, the boy consuming every single thought he had. Nothing the angel did or said would change that, even if he did just threaten to kill Cassius. 

From the way Sam's hands were shaking, the other boy could tell that he really didn't want to kill the vampire. It was clear that this was all out of fear, as his beautiful, blue eyes were open and startled, sweat was dripping down his forehead, and his skin was almost as pale as the vampire's. 

"Why shouldn't I?" Sam questioned harshly, swallowing the growing lump in his throat. As he looked at Cassius, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the unknown feeling in the pit of his stomach. Deep down he knew that he wasn't afraid of him, not afraid that he was a vampire who he thought was dead before this. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was relieved to know that he wasn't dead. This was the boy he had been moping about for weeks, feeling guilty about a death he felt responsible for. "I fucking mourned you!" Sam growled.

Cassius couldn't help but chuckle, a smile threatening to break out onto his face. However it seemed that Sam didn't find it very funny, as he once again shot an arrow at him, this time missing by only an inch. Before he knew it, Cassius had speedily knocked the bow out of his hands, snapping it in two easily. 

Sam gaped, hands falling helplessly by his sides as he looked at the now broken object in the vampire's hands. He wondered how many people Cassius had killed with those same hands. Did they use their hands, or did they just rip people's heads off with their fangs?

"Because you can't kill me, so there's no use trying," was Cassius' response. He was right and he knew it. Nobody was ever going to kill him. He was eternal, immortal, invincible, whatever you wanna call it. If Micah hadn't been able to kill him, there was no way Sam- who had been an angel for what he assumed only a matter of hours- would be able to come close. 

Sam lunged at him, causing the vampire to stumble. 

Admittedly the angel was strong, but nowhere near as strong as Cassius, who had been supernatural his entire life. At least knowingly, anyway. 

They wrestled on the floor at first, Sam attempting to wrap his hands around the vampire's neck to stop the airflow. It was pointless. The only thing able to kill a vampire was sunlight or a an angel's arrow. If he was 'strangled to death', he would only wake up several minutes later. 

Swiftly, Cassius rolled them over so now he was on top, pinning the angel's hands above his head. Embarrassingly, he had pictured them in this position so many times, just not in these circumstances. Panting, Sam mustered some strength and wrapped his wings around the vampire from behind, squeezing him tightly enough to roll them over once again. 

He straddled the vampire, attempting to grab an arrow from the satchel that had fallen to the floor in their fight. Realizing his plan, Cassius forcefully pushed the angelic boy so he went flying, his back hitting the bedroom wall. A photograph fell off the wall, the glass in the frame shattering so glass covered the wooden floor. 

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