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Draco sat across from Reese while they ate lunch in the courtyard. He kept a close eye on the cafeteria doors that led outside.

"She'll be here soon." Reese said, rolling his eyes.

"Calm down, you're being impatient." Draco gave him an irritated look before a small smile curved his lips upwards as he noticed Isabella walk out into the courtyard, trailed by Lily.

He silently groaned as he watched Lily and Isabella pause in their steps to speak for a few moments, wondering when Isabella would arrive at the table he was sitting at.

Isabella scanned the courtyard before her gaze was drawn to Draco. He chuckled as he noticed her cheeks had turned a deep red. She started walking towards them, but she was abruptly stopped by a pair of high heels.

Draco's face became solemn as he observed the exchange between Isabella and Mia, the same girl who had cornered Isabella in the bathroom. He was too far away to hear what she was saying to Isabella, but by the look on Isabella's face, he knew it wasn't good. Isabella, on the other hand, hesitantly resumed her walk as Mia stepped aside. Draco stood from his chair, watching Isabella fall to the ground due to a certain bitch's foot deliberately blocking her path, before making his way to the scene. Everyone in the courtyard had quieted down as they watched him slowly immerse himself in the drama unfolding before their eyes.

When he was close enough, he kneeled down and gently picked Isabella up by the waist.

"Are you alright?" He mumbled quietly so only she could hear as he examined her body for any injuries before settling on the bloody patch on her temple.

She made a slight shaky motion with her head.

"I'm fine." she said, her breath shaky.

His jaw clenched in annoyance and anger as he realised the sweet girl in front of him had been hurt.

"No, you aren't. You're in pain." Scrunching her nose, she gently brought her hand up to her temple, wincing as she felt the blood against her skin.

"Oh." He looked at her with a look of rage in his eyes.

She bit her lower lip and smiled, assuring him that she was fine. He turned away from her, his gaze fixed on the perpetrator of everything.

"Try to hurt her again, and you'll experience worse things than your personality." he told Mia harshly.

She would have dismissed his threat if it hadn't been Draco Malfoy speaking. Why should she not take him seriously? She gulped visibly before realising the fear on her face. She narrowed her eyes at him before huffing and storming away.

"If she stomps any harder, she might just fall into the pits of hell." Isabella said quietly as she watched Mia storm away in rage.

Draco bit his lower lip to prevent a smile from forming before wrapping his arm around Isabella's torso and resting it on her hip. He couldn't help but notice how well she complemented him. It's as if this was predestined.

He directed them to the table where Reese was currently sporting a full-fledged smirk. Draco narrowed his eyes at his best friend before whacking him on the back of the head when he got close enough.

"Wait a minute!" Reese growled, tending to the minor pain he was experiencing.

Draco shook his head.

"You appear to be irritable." Reese mumbled under his breath, while Isabella laughed softly as she sat down besides Draco.

Draco kept a close eye on Isabella as she picked up her sandwich and took a small bite. She looked at him with curious eyes before softening slightly.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now