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Isabella was a little shocked to see Lily Reeves with Draco when she found him.

Just a little strange.

Lily was the popular girl at their school. She had her snobbish cronies flanking her at all times, but Isabella had never received any venom from Lily's end. Lily's friends were certainly cruel and enjoyed tormenting Isabella, but she always held back and was never bothered. Usually, she wasn't even present when Isabella was being bullied, and if she was, the bullying would stop.

Surprisingly, to put it mildly.

Isabella ran her hands nervously over her jean-clad thighs as she stared at herself in the mirror. She was terrified of having to dress up for the annual gala. Her nerves were frayed.

"Oh, stop worrying so much." Ruby said as she sat down on her unruly bed.

Dresses were strung all over the room; they were both trying to find the perfect dress, which was difficult given that most of their options were worth 10x less than everyone else's attire.

"How could I not be concerned?" Isabella's tense voice said.

"I can't go looking for a bargain. This is a gala at which everyone who is anyone will be present."

Draco will be present.

Ruby sat up straight away, a smirk on her face.

"You like him?"

"Huh?" Isabella was perplexed.

"You like Draco?" Isabella frowned as she realised she had said her thoughts out loud.

The blush that had been dusted across her cheeks was visible as she bit her lip.

Shrugging, she made a sound indicating that Ruby's statement was correct. But there was no point in trying to make her crush on Draco a big deal. It would always lead to her hidden heartbreak.

She despised the fact that she liked Draco. It made sense that she felt something other than friendship. He was kind and caring, and he didn't abandon her. He treated her as if she were gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe.

God knows what a breath of fresh air that was.

Plus, he wasn't too difficult to look at. That's an understatement. Everyone in her class was aware of Draco's good looks. He had the brows, the facial features, and his physique was something to be envied.

But he was quiet and rarely spoke. It didn't make him an outcast because he was one of the most respected people in school, but it did make people avoid him. They were too afraid to approach the boy who glared daggers at everything and everyone.

But he had a soft spot for her. She was aware of this. He was different around her than he was with anyone else. After realising she liked the broken boy who was acting too strong, she almost convinced herself during the week that he might be feeling something as well.

Then she saw him and Lily, and all thoughts were put to rest. Lily was beautiful and respected, and she didn't appear to Isabella to be the gum stuck to the bottom of someone's shoe.

To be honest, she appeared to be the stiletto.

Ruby hugged Isabella from the side as she walked over to her insecure frame.

"Is it really worth it to hurt yourself over someone like him if he doesn't see how beautiful you are?" Isabella realised Ruby was correct. Ruby always said the right thing, but Isabella couldn't just stop feeling for Draco.

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