Chapter 51

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Aadhira's sleep breaks after a few hours, she tries to switch position but feels something heavy on her holding her down not letting her move. She opens her eyes slowly to see what is it that is holding her down. She was shocked to see Karthik sleeping on the bed along with her, she tries to get out of his hold but he just pulls her back closer, still in his sleep.

She again tries to move away, this time he pulls her completely over him and opens his eyes. She was shocked, her eyes were wide open, he smiles looking at her and tucks a strand of her hair falling on her face behind her ears "Atleast in my dream don't push me away my fairy princess.. be my fairy princess in my dream.. not a fire breathing dragon".

She looks at him even more shocked "Ka.. Ka.. Karthik th.. this isn't a dream..", he chuckles "Yeah right.. as if you would let me hold you like this in real.. or even let me sit with you in your room..". Aadhira didn't know what to do to make him understand that this isn't a dream "Ka.. Karthik", he keeps looking at her caressing her cheek with one hand and holding her waist with the other.

She pinches his arm to make him understand that he isn't dreaming. He looks at her shocked "Ouchh.. wait I'm not dreaming.. this is real..", she looks at him "Yes that's what I was trying to make you understand". He leaves her hand shocked, she immediately moves away from him, he looks elsewhere and gets up from her bed muttering to herself "When did I end up sleeping.. Godd!!".

Aadhira glares at him "When did you come inside..", Karthik looks elsewhere "Umm.. I.. didn't.. you..". He keeps fidgeting with his hands and keeps looking everywhere but her, just like a student does when teacher asks them a homework which they didn't complete "Umm.. I.. you.. slept.. so I came inside". She continues to shoot daggers at him "Why did you come inside.. I told you not to enter my room right".

He looks up at her "I wanted to check if you were fine.. I wanted to take care of you Aadhira.. that's why". She gets down from the bed and goes to stand in front of him, her eyes blazing "I'm fine.. I was fine without you also.. I can take care of myself Dr.Karthik Reddy.. I don't want you to take care of me.. I don't want your fake concern.. One day you will be concerned and the next you will tell that I'm taking advantage of you..

No!!.. I don't want to hear that again.. I don't need you to take care of me.. I'm well enough to take care of myself.. just stay away from me.. you cannot do everything according to you Karthik.. you don't want me.. you push me away.. you want me.. you come close to me.. No!! That's not how this works.. that's not how marriage works!!.. It cannot be about you always!!.. and I'm not a puppet whose emotions you can keep manipulating and changing..

So please let me be.. I don't want to fall for a man who does not value my emotions.. who does not have stable state of mind.. there was a time when I wanted to put my 200% into this relationship.. into this marriage.. for you.. but you didn't value them.. I don't even know what I did for which you spoke so rudely to me.. and if you still love your so called ex-girlfriend who ran away.. why did you even take a positive step towards this relationship..

One step you take forward and the next moment you take us both 10 steps back.. I cannot keep going back and forth like this.. My feelings get hurt.. my heart breaks when you push me away.. I don't even know why.. I don't want my heart to break again.. so let's just stay away from eachother.. you do your work I do mine.. that's it.. we don't interfere in eachother's life just like we decided.. there doesn't need to be an 'us'.. and most importantly.. you don't have to take take care of me.."

He keeps looking at her as her eyes start to flow without even her notice, his eyes too well up but he does not let them flow. He steps closer to her and wipes her tears "No Aadhu.. I will not stay away from you.. I will wait for you to forgive me.. there was a reason why I was fighting with myself.. I didn't know if I wanted to be with you or not.. but now I'm clear.. it's only you!!.. no one else!!.. you can take how much ever time you want..

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