Chapter 6

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Karthik pulls Aadhira towards himself "Aadhu you know na you should not talk to strangers", he keeps glaring at the little boy. He takes the flowers from Aadhira and the little boy and puts it in the basket along with all the other flowers. He holds her hand in his and turns to the boy "Thank you for the flowers.. you can go play with your friends now.. come Aadhu.. Mumma is waiting".

The little boy looks down feeling sad, Aadhira looks at him and turns to Karthik "Kalthi I wan play", Karthik looks at her smiling "We can go home and play Aadhu". Aadhira shakes her head "I wan play wid new ma flend", Karthik looks at the little boy for a second and turns Aadhira "We are getting late Aadhu". She runs to Karthik's mom who was sitting on the bench reading a book "Auntyyy", Karthik also runs behind her "Aadhu".

She smiles looking at them "Can we leave babies", Aadhu looks at her blinking her big button eyes "Auntyy I wan play wid ma new flend.. sheee ma new flend". Narayani smiles "Okay Aadhu you can go play for sometime", Aadhira smiles and runs off to play with her new friend as she was feeling bad that he won't have anyone to play with once she and Karthik leave.

Karthik looks down feeling sad as runs off to play with her new friend "Mumma can I go home". His mom looks at him "Karthi what happened.. go play with them na", he shakes his head "I want to go home". His mom looks at him "Karthi it's getting dark baby.. I don't want you to go alone now.. wait for sometime.. we can take Aadhu also". He nods and was about to sit next to his mom when he again hears the sound of her squeaky shoes "Kalthi.. Kalthi.. come play..".

She holds his hand and drags him near her new friend. He smiles seeing that even if she gets new friends she needs him to play with her. She looks at both the boys "I cloch ma eyes.. you hide..", she closes her with her hands and starts counting while the two boys go hide "tennn.. nineee.. eightttt.. sevenn.. sichh.. Fivee.. fouu.. thlee.. tooo.. onee". She opens her eyes and runs off to check behind the trees, she finds her new friend behind one of the trees but she could not find Karthik.

She runs behind the bushes trying to find Karthik, suddenly they hear her shriek. Karthik hears her shriek and runs out of his hiding spot near Aadhira. He goes near her and kneels down in front of her "Aadhu what happened", she giggles looking at him "Kalthi.. Yayyy.. Aadhu Winn.. Aadhu Winn". She jumps up and hugs him with her little hands "Yayyy!! Yayyy!!", he shakes head smiling and hugs her back "Cheater you are my fairy Princess..".

She keeps giggling, he holds her hand and takes her back to his mom, by that time the little boy's mom had also come to pick him up. He waved to Karthik and Aadhira and left with his mom while Aadhira and Karthik also left with Karthik's mom back to their home. Aadhira keeps jumping and running with her squeaky shoes while Karthik keeps running behind her trying not to let her fall down all through their 15 minutes walk back to home.

They drop Aadhira at her home and go to their home which was next to Aadhira's home. Karthik makes the crown with all the flowers they had collected for his 'fairy princess'. That's the nick name he had given for her, she loved watching princess movies and dressing up like a princess, and also on her 1st birthday they had dressed her up like a fairy and hence he came up with the nick name.

The next morning, Karthik gets ready, has his breakfast and with his mom, dad and grandfather. He goes to his mom who was preparing lunch in the kitchen "Mumma Mumma I'm going to see Aadhu", she smiles "Offo Karthi.. do you ever be here in your holidays.. always with your Aadhu.. no wonder you grandfathers are planning your marriage now only.. go go.. I'm not stopping you". He giggles "I will marry Aadhu only Mumma.. then we will be together like you and dadda and Yashoda Aunty and Gautam uncle".

He runs off to Naidu House, he says hi to Aadhira's mom and dad and runs to her room. She was still sleeping peacefully hugging her big yellow coloured teddy bear. Karthik climbs on the bed and sits next to her, he caresses her hair "Aadhu.. Aadhu wake up princess". She stirs in her sleep "Fairy Princess come on.. wake up", she rubs her eyes turning towards him.

She keeps blinking her eyes trying to open them properly, she soon opens her eyes and looks at him. She jumps on him and hugs him with her little arms "Kalthiii". He smiles looking at her "Aadhu go brush and take bath", she again lies down on the bed and acts as if she is asleep.

He chuckles looking at her and starts tickling her "Aadhuuuu no acting", she starts giggling with his continuous tickling "Kalthiii.. nooo.. haha.. hihihii.. noooo". He stops tickling her and giggles looking at her "Now be a good girl and go bath Aadhu". She runs off to brush her teeth and take a bath. She comes back after brushing, bathing and changing her dress.

She climbs on the dining table like a monkey and sits on it, eating half of the idly and dropping half on the table. Her mom and Karthik chuckle looking at her, she looks at her plate and the table and smiles sheepishly "Mumma table love idly.. sheee tablee also eashing".

After having her breakfast, Aadhira and Karthik start playing. Karthik brings the flower crown he made for and makes her wear it. She keeps jumping up and down getting excited. He was taller than her, she only reached till his shoulder, she keeps trying to jump up and hug.

He bends down so that she can hug him, she puts her little arms around him and squeezes him "Kalthii you beshtt..", he just smiles. She leans up and kisses his cheek "thank you Kalthii", his cheeks, nose and ears go pink with her kiss.

Flashback ends...

Aadhira keeps looking at him, what happened to him.. where is he lost.. I asked him just one question.. did he go into his dreamland or what. She shakes her head and tries to call him again "Karthik.. Karthik", she waves her hand in front of his face.

He was still in a trance, she puts her hand over his bringing him out of his thoughts. He looks back at her and takes away his hand from hers, and turns away. She looks at him "Do you remember", he shakes his head "No.. not at all.. I don't remember anything.. nothing at all!!!".

She looks at him confused "Okay okay.. don't shout yaar.. calm down.. I just asked if you know". He looks elsewhere "I don't remember anything", Nothing!!.. Nothing about her.. she is a stranger now.. we were kids back then.. she doesn't remember.. she doesn't have to remember anything.. her chapter in my life has been completed.. I shouldn't open it again.. No.. not at all.. I should say what I came to say and leave.

He shakes away his thoughts and turns to look at her "Look Aadhira I don't want to beat around the bush.. I love someone else.. she isn't ready to get married now.. so Maa wants me to get married to you.. understand my situation Aadhira.. Reject me.. say No to this marriage.. my mom won't agree to me saying No to this marriage but if you do then she will not force you"

Aadhira looks at him "Will your mom stop if you don't marry me", he looks at her confused "What do you mean?". She leaves out a breathe and looks at him "Look even if I refuse to marry you.. aunty can look for another girl". He looks at her "I can manage that.. any number of girl Maa brings for me.. I will make them understand".

She smiles a little "Really you will go around telling everyone that you love someone else.. you cannot marry them.. please.. I don't think everyone will listen". He thinks a little but then shakes his head, no Karthik.. don't think about her words.. whatever will happen in future I can deal with it in future.. I cannot let her back in my life again.. after that.. no.. not at all, "I can manage you don't have to worry about me.. or anything related to me".

His words prick her heart but she was keen on convincing him "Look you were my childhood buddy.. I'm trying to help you that's all.. see even if I refuse to marry you.. aunty will want you to get married..". He looks at her "So..", she looks at him "What I'm saying is.. I know you love someone else.. but..

I think we should get married... I mean your parents want you to get married.. so do mine.. let's just be friends after this marriage.. till.. till the one whom you love is re.. ready to marry you.. If.. if she comes back.. I.. I wi.. will le.. leave you". She couldn't speak out the words in the end, there was again the pricking sensation in her heart but she knew if she had to convince him she had to say those else he will not agree.

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