Chapter 5

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At evening, Aadhira was at her Glee Paradise's shop, she had asked Karthik to meet her there. She had setup a table for them, she had called Narayani and asked her what kind of sweets and savories does he likes and prepared them for him. She was waiting for him to arrive, everything is done.. strawberry pudding.. Coconut barfi.. channa chat.. vegetable tikki.. yes everything is done.

She smiles looking at the dishes as her mind wanders back to her phone call with Narayani.

"Hello Aunty.. it's Aadhira"

"I know Kanna.. tell me what is it.. you decided?"

"Yes Aunty.. I have made my decision.. but now I didn't call to tell you about my decision.. I called to know what sweets or savories Karthik likes"

"Hmmm.. so you want to know my son's favorites.. okay.. then I think the decision is positive.. and you are meeting my son.. anyway.. he will like whatever you make.. he isn't a picky baby.. he just loves food"

Aadhira smiles "Well aunty.. even if my decision is positive.. your son should agree right.. I'll try my best to convince him.. but rest I'll leave it to my Krishna ji.. and Aunty even if he isn't picky I'm sure there must be something he likes the most"

"He loves coconut barfi a lot.. he loves aloo tikki (Potato tikki).. anything with potato he loves it Aadhira.."

"Thanks aunty.. I hope I'll be able to convince him"

"I'm sure you will.. all the best Aadhira.. I'm looking forward to the decision you both take.. I'm postive you can convince him.. afterall you aren't someone he can ignore ever.."

She was confused with what she heard "What.."

She could hear his mom sighing "Nothing Aadhira.. you continue your work.. we can talk later", saying that she disconnects the call.

Recalling the call, she again remembers his mother saying 'You aren't someone he can ignore ever'. That again confuses her and she wanted to know what his mother had meant by that, why did aunty say like that.. ofcourse he can ignore me.. he was doing that only 2 days ago.. doesn't she remember that.. I'm sure he wouldn't think twice before ignoring me again.. aunty is just mistaken.

She was lost in her thoughts sitting at the table she had setup when a 'ding' sound of someone entering the shop brings her out of her thoughts. She looks up to see Karthik had entered, she gives him a bright smile, he nods in return to her bright smile and walks towards her.

She rolls her eyes thinking to herself, Godd!! What will happen to him if he smiles once.. all his hair will fall off or what.. even a small smile is enough.. but no!!.. he can only nod.. first thing I'm doing is teaching him manners.. which I'm sure Aunty would have taught him but he forgot.

He takes the seat in front of Aadhira, she too sits down shaking her head thinking that he can't even say a 'Hi' to her. She shakes away her thoughts and looks at him smiling "Hi", he mutters a low "Hi". She smiles that atleast he replied to her "Umm you want something to eat.. I'll tell them to bring".

He just shakes his head "No I just came to talk to you.. I don't want anything to eat". She rolls her eyes looking at him again, she looks at Arjun, other chef of her shop and indicates him to bring everything.

He brings and places everything on the table and leaves. She smiles and turns to Karthik "Though this is not the speciality here.. I'm sure you will like them.. try it na.. I saw you eating the strawberry pudding that day.. so that's why I asked for that.. and others also try it na".

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