Chapter 33

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Aadhira and Karthik reached home, Karthik gets down from the car and goes towards the entrance without waiting for Aadhira to get down. He was about to enter into the house when his mom stops him glaring at him "Where are you going". He looks at her "Inside the house Maa.. where else", she rolls her eyes looking at him "Excuse me.. you are entering the house first time after marriage.. you have to enter inside with your wife.. where is my daughter..".

Aadhira goes and stands next to him "Here I am Maa.. my saree got stuck in the Car's handle.. driver Anna helped me". His mom turns to glare at Karthik "Karthik what were you doing without helping her.. you are supposed to help her and support her at each step.. not leave her somewhere and come here alone.. how many times do I have to tell you Karthi.. you are not a little boy anymore".

Karthik looks elsewhere trying not to react to his mom scolding him like a little boy while Aadhira covers her mouth with her hand trying not to chuckle at Karthik who was getting scolded. Karthik looks at Aadhira's reaction through the corner of his eyes, he could see her laughing covering her mouth with her hand.

He was about to glare at her when his mom call "Look here Karthik and Aadhira". They both look at her, she does their Aarthi and applies the tilak on both their forehead. A pot of rice was kept at the doorstep, Narayani asks Aadhira to push the pot with her right foot and enter inside. Aadhira does as told, Karthik also enters inside along with Aadhira. Narayani takes Aadhira along to the Pooja room "Now that the Lakshmi of this house is here..

Come on light the Diya and make our house bright Aadhu.. this house and we have been awaiting your presence since years.. and finally you are here". Narayani's eyes well up with tears, Aadhira smiles and hugs her "I'm here Maa.. don't worry I'm not going anywhere..". Narayani hugs her back "We all missed you so much Aadhu.. I wished to see you grow up.. but no worries.. now you are here and though you both will be leaving for Birmingham soon.. you will be back after six months for the setup of Reddy's in Chennai..".

Aadhira smiles looking at her but her mind goes into thinking, if we manage to survive eachother in the next six months.. or his ex-love doesn't return back in the next six months then you will definitely have me back Maa.. but if.. by chance something else happens.. I'm not leaving you and dad even if Karthik leaves me. Narayani looks at her "Come on Aadhu light the Diya", Aadhira lights up the Diya in the Pooja room as told.

Aadhira goes out of the Pooja room and sees Karthik's father, Ramakrishnan in the living room, he smiles looking at her and goes near her. He caresses her hair "Welcome back Aadhira.. you stepped.. no not stepped carried into this house when you were just a few days old for the first time.. and now you are here as our home's Lakshmi.. we all feel blessed to have you here again Kanna.."

Aadhira smiles looking at him "You all are making me feel overwhelmed.. I don't even remember anything.. but all this that you and Maa said makes me wish I remembered those days..". He smiles "Don't worry.. we will have so many more days to spend together going forward.. so no worries Kanna". Wow Aadhu they both are so happy to have me here except the one I wanted to.. did I really mean so much to them.. this is all so new!!.. they both are so sweet while Karthik is just.. Uhhhh!!

She smiles and goes inside the kitchen to help Narayani. Aadhira looks her "Maa.. can I help you", she turns and looks towards Aadhira "I know you are one of the best chefs in the town Aadhu but till you both are here I don't want you anywhere near the kitchen.. you can cook once you both are back in Birmingham.. till then no matter how bad it is you will get my cooking only Aadhu".

Aadhira smiles "I'm sure your cooking is not bad Maa.. atleast let me help", Narayani looks at her with a strict expression "No Aadhu.. go to your room and rest.. where is this Karthi.. Karthi.. Karthik..". Hearing his mom Karthik goes inside the kitchen "Yes Maa you called!?..", his mom looks at him "What are you doing.. take Aadhu to the room.. Aadhu I have kept your bags already in there.. you can arrange everything you need in the closet".

Karthik gives a tight lipped smile to his mom and turns towards Aadhira "Come Aadhira let's go to my room", his mom shoots him a like "It's not just your room Karthik.. now it's hers also.. so say 'our' room". Karthik looks elsewhere "Yeah our room", he climbs up the stairs towards his, now their room.

He enters inside and looks towards Aadhira "This is my room.. well with no other choice yours too.. but don't mess up anything in the room.. you can arrange your stuff in the closet.. just don't move my things anywhere". She nods her head like a doll, he looks at her suspiciously as she doesn't reply anything back or give shooting looks to him.

He mutters to himself as he leaves from the room, "I don't understand what magic she has done on Maa and dad.. they are all about her.. huh!!.. she was complaining about her parents see mine.. it's like they don't even remember I'm here.. partial people!!". He leaves from the room while Aadhira closes the door behind him.

She sits down on the bed laughing as she hears his muttering, oh god!! Seeing him like this is what I want now🤭.. he looks as handsome as an orangutan🦧 when he is irritated to the core🤭.. uff heaven this is.. serves him right for confusing and irritating me all the time.. now time to think of more things to irritate the hell out of him..

She was about to go unpack her things when she gets a call from Unnati. Aadhira was surprised "Unni.. you.. at this time..", she hears Yash's voice "Where is that waste fellow husband of your Aadhira.. I have been calling him for so long..", Aadhira chuckles "Umm he is downstairs.. wait let me go to him".

She takes the phone to the living room "Karthik.. it's Unnati and Yash calling.. Yash said he called you a few times already..", he takes out his phone and checks that it already had a couple of missed calls. He gets the phone from Aadhira "Sorry Yash it was on silent", Yash asks him to put the phone on speaker and Karthik does the same.

Yash speaks up "Guys we are getting married after three weeks.. Aadhira and Karthik we know you were scheduled to leave in a week.. but please guys postpone your departure date for us please.. pretty please". Karthik and Aadhira look at eachother, Karthik tries to speak up "Umm.. Yash Unnati.. we..", Aadhira cuts him off and speaks "We will stay Unni.. don't worry Yash..".

Karthik looks at her shocked "But..", Aadhira shuts his mouth with her hand "And congratulations two of you.. well you are still husband and wife but still I'm looking forward to your marriage". They disconnect the call, Karthik shoots his eyes towards Aadhira as she removes her hand from his mouth "What do you think of yourself".

She looks at him "What.. Yash is your best friend and Unnati is mine.. so we are staying for their wedding.. we wanted to see them happy and married right.. why do you not want to attend their wedding..". Karthik looks at her "It's not about not wanting to attend.. it's just that I have commitments back there", Aadhira looks at him "I'm leaving all my commitments here and coming with you to Birmingham.. so I think you can postpone your commitments for a few days.. and moreover just a couple of weeks it is Karthik.. they will be happy that you attended their wedding.. and so will you feel happy.. and even Maa and dad would also be happy".

Karthik shuts up after hearing that, Aadhira leaves back to the room after that. She starts arranging her things in the closet, she was not able to accommodate all her things in the space that was made for her, so she shifts a few of Karthik's things and starts arranging her stuff in that place.

She keeps changing place of most of Karthik's things from his closet to the dressing table, she chuckles after changing their positions, I'm sure he is going to be irritated.. but then when it's fun irritating him what can I do.. I can't help it.. let him come to the room.. uff!! his irritated orangutan face is something I'm looking for to seeing😁..

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