Chapter 34

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Aadhira goes out of the room to the kitchen after arranging her things. She goes into the kitchen to help Narayani, "Aadhira what are you doing here", Aadhira looks at her "Maa atleast let me help you arrange the breakfast on the dining table". Narayani smiles "Okay fine Aadhu.. here take this Vadacurry and carrot halwa.. I'll bring the Idly", Aadhira nods and takes the dishes to the dining table.

Aadhira calls Karthik and his dad to have breakfast, they all sit down to have breakfast. Narayani was about to serve breakfast to Karthik "Maa ask him if he wants to eat and then serve it.. he has nicely stuffed french toast down his mouth at 5 in the morning". Karthik turns to shoot glare at Aadhira "I was hungry and stressed so I went to eat.. now also I can eat".

His mom looks at him "Karthik how many times have I told you not to eat untimely.. why don't you listen.. well Aadhira.. he doesn't see the time whenever he wants to eat he eats.. especially at nights.. he eats at 12.. 1.. he has no time sense.. I have told him n number of times don't do it.. it will affect your health.. but no he doesn't listen.. now it's upto you to stop this boy from doing such things.. and change his habit".

Aadhira looks at Karthik, like he will ever listen to me Maa.. he doesn't want anything to with me.. literally anything in his life.. how will I change his habit or change anything of his Maa even if I want to.. I will try my best though.. rest upto him if he doesn't want to change.. he is a cardiologist and he will know his health best.

She turns to his mom "I will try Maa..", his mom smiles "Great.. Karthik follow what your wife says.. if I get any complaints again I will stop all the supplies of snacks at your hospital..". He looks at his mom shocked "Maa you can't do that.. I'm not a child.. you can't blackmail me like this". Aadhira chuckles hearing him, he turns to her and shoots a glare at her, his dad looks at him "Glaring at Aadhu isn't going to do anything Karthik.. your Maa and I will definitely stop all your snacks supply if we hear one more complaint".

Karthik narrows his eyes and turns towards his breakfast and starts eating the carrot halwa muttering to himself "Huh!! I cannot even eat what I want and when I want.. huh!! And they blackmail me to stop my food.. now all time Aadhira Aadhira Aadhira.. it's not even been a few hours since she came here..". Aadhira was sitting next to him and hears his mutters, she starts laughing looking at him.

Karthik gives her one sharp look chewing a piece of Idly in his mouth, seeing which Aadhira tries control her laughter but in the end, ends up bursting into fits of laughter spraying the water that was in her mouth all over Karthik's face. Karthik glares at Aadhira wiping his face "What the..", seeing the whole thing his mom and dad also burst into laughter, Aadhira looks at him shocked and mutters a "Sorry"

He gets up from the dining table "Radhe Anna na tiffin room lo thecheyandi" (Radhe please bring my tiffin to the room), saying that he leaves from the dining table. Aadhira was about to go behind when Narayani and Ramakrishnan stop her "Don't worry Aadhu.. you have your breakfast.. he will be fine.. let him have his food.. he gets cranky when it comes to food.. food is like his first priority.. so don't worry.. any problem in his life.. stress, tension, work pressure.. doesn't matter what..

his only solution is food.. but at times he forgets that it will affect his health when he eats untimely.. we keep telling him all the time but we not with him all the time right.. we cannot keep an eye on him.. but now you are here I'm sure you will take care of everything.. right na Aadhu". His mom looks at Aadhira with a expectant expression, seeing her Aadhira couldn't deny, so she just nods.

After having her breakfast she goes to the room to see Karthik standing near the closet wearing only his pants. She was looking at him startled as his slim yet a kind of muscular build, his broad shoulders, taut muscles and wide chest was on display in front of her. She had an idea of his muscular body through the fitting shirts he wears but seeing them exposed in front of her eyes was not something she expected that too so soon.

He wasn't the kind of person who maintains his body or has any abs or 6 packs kind of body. He had been only into Yoga since his childhood, and the need to do Yoga to keep his mind calm and composed increased after that incident 7.5 years ago. He didn't understand why everyone obsessed so much over working out and burning calories.

Aadhira keeps staring at him, Aadhu see na your man is hot and sexy even without Abs.. you were obsessing so much over Vidyut's abs but see na this man is drool worthy even without those Abs or eight packs you obsess over.. true Indeed.. Aadhu this man confuses you to the core!!.. irritates the hell out of you!!.. keeps rejecting you at every chance he gets!!.. and here you are drooling over his body.. would you stop and do your work!!.. Umm yeah I should.. then look away!!

She turns her gaze away from him and walks inside the room, she could hear his continuous mutters "One thing only thing I tell her.. but does she listen.. No!! She can't!!.. she has already messed up my mind.. my life.. my heart.. one thing I ask her.. not to mess up my closet and room but she doesn't listen.. she is the great Aadhira Naidu who has to do everything according to her own will..

Bloody hell!! I can't even find my casual shirts now.. where the hell did she put it away.. God!! Where do I find it.. I can't even call her now in this condition..". Aadhira goes near the closet and takes out his shirt trying not to let her eyes to move towards him and forwards it to him "Umm your shirts are kept in the lower drawer". He was shocked seeing her, he takes the shirt from her and tries covering his body "Wh.. Wh.. What are you doing here..".

She turns away from him immediately "Umm.. I came in to apologise.. Umm sorry for what happened at breakfast table.. I.. I came in at the wrong time.. Umm I'll leave now.. but let me tell you it's my room also now". Karthik looks at her "Still you can knock before entering.. what if I'm changing like today.. and I think I told you not to move my things".

She turns to look at him and rolls her eyes "Like you had left a lot of space for me to put my clothes.. shut up okay!!.. I had to make the place.. so moved a few things of yours.. It's our room now.. so adjust!!.. as I am adjusting with an irritating man like you for a husband!! When I can be romancing my Vidyut in my dreams"

Karthik turns to glare at her "What do you think of yourself haan.. I told you right no relationships till we are bound by this marriage and who the hell is this Vidyut..". Aadhira glares at him, her eyes keep boring into his "I told you right I'm not that kind that two times someone or wants to handle 2 relationships at a time.. hell!! I haven't been in a relationship with anyone!!.. and for your kind information.. Vidyut is Vidyut Jamwal.. an actor for God sake!!!.. why does your opinion about me have to be so bad..".

She turns to leave as her eyes well up and she didn't want to show her tears to him. Karthik holds her hand to stop her but she gets her hand out of his hold and goes towards the door of their room. She turns towards him her eyes glistening "When you don't know anything about me just be silent.. don't make your own judgements!! Or opinions!!.. doesn't matter if it's me or anyone else!! It hurts!!"

She leaves from the room while Karthik sits down thinking, why does she keep lying.. she keeps saying she was never in a relationship.. she knows she was in a relationship with someone.. she was actually two timing a guy.. then why keep lying!!.. why!!.. why does she have to keep lying about her relationship again and again!!

Why does her eyes well up every time I say the truth.. why does she look hurt when it's the truth.. Truth is bitter and it hurts hun!!.. I'll also see how long she keeps denying the truth. She goes to the living room blinking back her tears, What did I even do that he keeps thinking I will two time someone or have multiple relationships at a time.. there was only one time.. and it was an act!!.. but everything that happened after.. no Aadhu don't go there.. Karthik doesn't know anything about me yet he.. hun!! It's so easy to judge someone..

Just then Karthik's dad sees her, he smiles "Aadhu.. come ma.. sit here..". She gives them a small smile and blinks back her tears "Yes dad", she goes and sits next to them. His mom and dad keep talking to her, she forgets everything that Karthik spoke to her and starts smiling while talking to them.

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