Chapter 20

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Karthik keeps looking at the fire breathing dragon in front of him "Yeah.. she is fire.. a fire that I would like to burn in", he says without realising. Abhi and Yash turn to look at him "What did you say", Karthik turns to them realising what he said "Nothing.. I was saying such a bold girl..". Abhi and Yash give him suspicious looks but he just ignores them and turns to look elsewhere.

Aadhira was still breathing fire, she was still huffing in anger as she saw her friend trying to convince her boyfriend. She holds her friend's hand and tries to take her away "Come on Teju.. you don't need to explain anything to him.. if he really cares he would understand.. if he doesn't understand.. you need to understand that he doesn't really care".

Her friend Teju stops her "Stop it Aadhira.. first you jump into our talks.. you create a scene of our personal problems.. now also you are doing the same.. I know what I'm doing.. I know what he wants to convey.. I love him and can do anything for him.. he understands me and so do I.. it's our relationship.. don't interfere".

Aadhira looks at her "Teju why are you not understanding.. it's only you that feels this way.. weren't you uncomfortable when he touched you.. it was written all over your face Teju.. but he didn't understand.. don't deny". Her friend turns away from her trying to defend her so called boyfriend "I wasn't uncomfortable.. he is my boyfriend.. why would I be uncomfortable with his touch.. please stop Aadhira.. I'm fine.. don't create a scene".

Aadhira turns away and leaves from there. Karthik looks at her leaving, Abhi and Yash keep looking at the scene unfolding in front of them. As soon as Aadhira leaves Karthik steps in "You are right she is creating a scene.. and you are right that she shouldn't involve herself in your relationship.. she wouldn't have if you had spoken up.. she is your friend.. she would know how you feel with a certain look on your face.. but he is your boyfriend right.. he should understand your emotions right..

Yet when he didn't and when you didn't voice it out she had to step in.. and moreover.. If really cared he wouldn't have said anything when your friend tried to correct him.. he would have understood your feelings and apologised.. but he didn't.. well you should you understand from that what he really wants.. if you don't its your loss..

not your friend's who right now fighting for you.. still if you think your boyfriend is right and not your friend then I'm really sorry for your thinking". Karthik turns away to leave from there, he goes to find Aadhira while Abhi and Yash keep looking surprised at the scene unfolding in front of them.

He sees Aadhira standing in the backyard trying to control her tears, she was talking to herself "Come on Aadhu she doesn't even think you are her friend.. why are you shedding tears.. if she doesn't understand it's her loss.. not yours.. but she is my friend.. how can I see her like this..", tears drop from her eyes which she tries to wipe away but they keep pouring down.

Karthik smiles, she still cares for the girl who practically said she doesn't need her.. how can I not love this girl.. my Aadhu❤️.. but the tears in her eyes.. no she doesn't deserve to cry.. she should be treasured.. if her friend doesn't understand that.. let her not.. I don't care.. I will not let her shed these tears..

He goes near her, she was looking elsewhere that she didn't notice him. He puts his hand on her shoulder, she turns around startled. She pulls the scarf which she had worn around her neck and tries to cover his face thinking he might attack her. He was shocked at her reaction as she covers his mouth and nose with her scarf.

His eyes widen in shock looking at her "Who are you". He turns her around holding her shoulder and cages her to the wall behind them, she tightens her scarf around him looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He too looks into her big golden brown eyes "I'm not going to harm you.. calm down fire breathing dragon..".

She keeps looking at him, he removes one hand from her shoulder and wipes her pearl like tears dropping from her eyes even as she was trying to attack him. His fingers brush over cheeks wiping her tears, she shoots sharp glares into his eyes "Stop".

Though she was still skeptical that he is a stranger, she didn't feel uncomfortable with his touch. His touch was really delicate, his fingers brushed softly on her cheeks even while wiping her tears. He steps a little forward reducing the gap between them even more.

Her eyes widen looking at him "Wh.. what aaa.. are you da.. da.. doing". He kept smiling even though she couldn't see his smile because of the scarf that she had covered over his face "I'm not doing anything.. I'm just trying to calm you down fire breathing dragon.. if you fume like this your blood pressure will increase.. I don't think you want to have high BP.. calm down.."

She keeps looking at him "Why do you care". He looks into her eyes lovingly "Because you mean the world to me". She was surprised seeing the intensity of the emotion in his eyes and the sincerity in his voice as he said that. She keeps looking into his chocolate brown eyes which kept reflecting varied emotions which she could not decipher.

She wanted to know he meant by that but just then they hear Aadhira's friend calling her. They both jump apart from each other, her friend runs to her and hugs her "I'm sorry Aadhu.. I really am.. you were right.. he doesn't care for me.. I'm sorry I hurt you..". Aadhira hugs her back and turns back to look at the man but he was nowhere, her eyes keep searching for the man she just saw.

She smiles lightly at her friend "I'll just be back Teju", she looks around the backyard and also inside the club but she hadn't even seen his face properly, she didn't even know what he looked like, she didn't know how to find him. She goes back to the backyard where her friends were waiting for her, where did he go.. where is he.. how did he disappear just like that..

Why didn't I see his face also.. I should have seen his face atleast.. then I would have been able to atleast recognise him.. now how do I find him.. what did he even mean by his words.. what was that in his eyes.. I need to know. She was really frustrated not knowing who is that man was and what his words meant.

Karthik on the other hand, was smiling continuously finally seeing his fairy princess again, he smiled again thinking about the fire breathing dragon she became to support her friend and to fight for the right thing. Karthik was too happy that he had spoke to his Aadhu finally.

He felt like he was flying after talking to her, even if it was just a few words he felt the happiest that he could communicate even the slightest idea of the feelings that he has for her. He had left as soon as he saw her friends approach, he had confessed the biggest part of his feelings for her after which he didn't know what to tell her that's why he had run off.

He was waiting near the car for Yash and Abhi, the smile on his face kept growing with each passing second. Abhi and Yash had also reached the car, they both look at Karthik who had a wide smile on his face "Where did you go". Karthik tries to hide his smile "Umm.. I just came out to get some fresh air.. it was getting stuffy inside with everything that was happening".

Yash and Abhi nod looking at him but the smile on his face didn't convince them both with the explanation that he gave but they didn't question him further. They all sit down in the car and were on their way back home. Karthik was again lost in his thoughts, Godd!! my Aadhu❤️.. you don't know how much you mean to me..

You mean more than my world to me.. my fairy princess is beautiful inside out💖.. the fire in her is just🔥.. ufff.. Goshh!! Apart from being a fairy princess she is a fire breathing dragon too🐉.. I need to be careful with her I guess🤭.. if I trigger her anger then she would definitely burn me down by breathing fire..

She was so close to me.. yet I couldn't hug her.. but it's okay.. everything changes with time.. there would definitely come a time when I would be able to hug her.. hold her close.. feel her close to me.. I hope that time arrives soon princess.. I just can't wait to be with you❤️..

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