Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 — Company Policies

The next day Liam, makes his way to work on time, without any 'incidents' on the way. He even has spare time on his hand and so visits the break room, and starts up the coffee machine.

He leans against the counter, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing when a broad-shouldered, quite muscular man walks in. He has that perfect combination of nerdy and athletic going on, and Liam finds himself checking the man out not-so subtly.

The man obviously notices Liam too, and gives him a small smirk, "Hello," he greets, his voice low but audible enough, "I'm guessing you are Aaron's new PA?"

"Hey. Yes, I am. I'm Liam," he would much rather be known by his own name than who he is working for, thank you very much.

"I'm Jason. I'm working in the accounting department," he too leans against the counter beside Liam, "So, how do you find working here?"

The machine lets out a beeping sound right then, followed by a blow of steam, letting them know that the drink is ready. Liam grabs the handle, contemplating if he should let this stranger in regarding what he actually thinks of their boss. He decides otherwise since, as he is aware, Jason is a stranger after all.

"I've only started working here, so I can't say much. But so far, it's been good," he says as he pours coffee in his mug. "Let me," he tells Jason when he goes to grab the pot from Liam, "Just tell me when to stop, okay,"

"And when you're done flirting, you can make me a cup too," Aaron's voice suddenly bursts into the room, startling Liam and causing him to spill a bit.

"Jesus. You scared me," Liam quickly puts back the pot in its holder, grabbing a napkin to clean up the spilt coffee. Liam is just grateful he didn't spill any of the hot liquid on himself or Jason.

Aaron is still standing by the entry of the break room, arms crossed, but Liam doesn't turn to him — his mood is already sour, he doesn't want to worsen it by looking at his stupid face.

"Thank you, Liam," Jason tells him when Liam hands him his cup of coffee and he shrugs before leaving, mumbling a good morning to their boss on the way.

"I know you're new here and only a temp," he says it in such a derogatory way that Liam is very much tempted to grab the pot before him and throw the steaming liquid in his face but holds himself back, "But you should probably look through the company policies. We have a no-fraternising policy. I'll have Chloe send over the policies so you don't get confused,"

Liam huffs, turning around to face him, scowling, barely restraining himself from cussing away at his boss, "I wasn't flirting with him. I just met him and was being polite. You know, polite — don't worry if you're not familiar with the concept. I'll email what the word means and how it is essential in a person's life, so you can learn a thing or two,"

Liam grabs his mug and starts to walk away but the dickface stops him.

"I asked for coffee,"

"No. You didn't ask, you demanded," he snaps at him, "After you insulted me. Again. And for the record, when someone asks another person for something, it is customary that they follow the request with the word 'please.' The coffee is done. Help yourself."

He doesn't have the time to add anything more before Chloe comes into the room, "Good morning, you two,"

Liam suddenly gets an idea and turns to the woman, "Chloe, if you don't mind, would you please send me a copy of the employee handbook. Mr Patterson was just going over the company policies that are included in the employee handbook, particularly about a non-fraternising one,"

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