Soulmates, Twin-flames, etc..

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Soulmates, Twinflames, Karmic relationships, soul family

Recognising the difference...

Soulmates - the brainwashed version is that soulmates are people that you want to be with like some people say their partner is their soulmate ... But here is the true meaning of Soulmate from a Spiritual perspective: People from your past lives that are in your current life, your past life lover is your soulmate in this life, this is the same for the friends and family you had too, they are also your soulmates because they were from your past life, you may have many soulmates, some may be present in your current timeline, some have moved to another timeline and that's okay, whatever is meant to be. You will realise someone whos a soulmate, you will be very connected to them straight upon meeting them from the first time, they will feel comforting to your soul and you will recognise them through their eyes ( since the eyes are the portal to the soul) You will feel drawn to these people, they will come into your life to serve a greater purpose.

Twinflames - Everyone has a twinflame, wether they know it or not, the person who is your twinflame will mirror you, your actions, they can dissolve and absorb your emotions and feelings, you will usually be very similar to your twin flame, some parts of your childhood and life will be mirrored as well as interests, tastes. , within this presence, there is Divine Masculine and a Divine Feminine. There is such thing as twin flame separation, this is where the twinflames are disconnected and away from each other.

There's also a phase in these relationships: The Chase, a chaser and a runner either divine masc will be the runner or divine fem runner/vice versa. To fix your twin-flame relationship and to regain re-union or strengthen, you have to work inwards, work on yourself, do shadow work and heal yourself. This type of relationship takes a lot of work, but you are meant to help each other on each others path and learn from each other. The person who is your twinflame will be your other half, a twin flame connection is such an intense connection, some can't handle this kind of relationship.

Keep in mind that If you have a twinflame, you are fated to meet paths with this person at some point in your life journey, this is usually manifested in a romantic relationship or intense friendship, once connected, you will find it extremely difficult to disconnect with them for long periods of time as you will feel that part of you is missing.

Remember, it is only possible to have a happy, healthy relationship with your twinflame if you learn to love yourself as your twin is part of you, this must be an honest and unconditional type of love or you will be driven to reject your other half and full of trust issues. Let go of your ego and connect with your soul as your ego may arise some issues. It only takes one twinflames healing to heal both.

signs of twinflames :

having the same thoughts and feelings, alignment, strong mental pull to be with this person, having similar dreams, instant knowing.

the History behind Twinflames and the story behind it: :

Meeting a twinflame can also lead you to a spiritual awakening, you both will be powerful and unstoppable together.

Karmic relationship:

A whirlwind of a relationship, it will usually begin quickly, and end just as quickly, full of passion and turbulence, this is a relationship to learn from, usually an unfulfilling relationship during the end, some karmic relationships get toxic quickly.

A KARMIC relationship is basically the fake version of a twin flame relation.

It's tricky to distinguish the two at first, both possess the instant passion, however, this is when the dark side of a karmic relationship comes out; they will hold you back from ascending into your spiritual journey by taking your focus away from it subtly, this will distract you from finding out your true twin flame relationship

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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