Moon cycles

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moon cycles can have a dramatic effect on our emotions and energy. 

in this chapter, I will go over the different moon cycles.

blood cycles: some women blood cycles align with the times of the Full moon or new moon, this is a very powerful indication.

if it falls on a Full moon, it means you are a medicine woman, high priestess, midwife.. .  This is called a Red moon cycle, usually these women focus their energy outwards and focus their passionate energy outwards and creativity outwards the most during this time  

if your cycle falls on the time of the new moon it means you are a healer, and very intuitive. A 1977 study found that women who began their cycle on the new moon had a greater chance of becoming pregnant. This is called a White moon cycle 

In Ancient Greek culture

The word "" derives from the Latin and Greek word for moon, mene.

In , physicians believed that the moon and the monthly menstrual cycle were linked. During a woman's period of menstruation, she was thought to be spiritually and mentally powerful.

You can still be either one of these been if your cycle doesn't align with these, in today's society we mess up our natural cycles with different factors: environmental, diet, pills and medications, stress and anxiety. These all affect our menstrual cycles and their times.

more on this topic


Full Moon-  One of the most emotional times of the month especially if the moon is in your personal moon astrology for example if you are a Pisces moon and on June 8th there is a Full moon in Pisces, this could mean you are especially sensitive and powerful on this day, this is also a great opportunity to reflect on your emotions and do shadow work. Full moons are the end of a cycle, this is not the best time to manifest something new as it is meant for letting go of the old and doing shadow work. Retrain from starting new projects and businesses.

New Moon- The best time to start a new project as the new moon will work up to a full moon and more success is granted when something works towards the full completion, the best time to start new manifestations, the best time to start a new business ( especially in a Capricorn new moon as Capricorn is a very successful sign) Retrain from shadow works and letting go as this is best done on a full moon, new moons are for the new, new beginnings and projects. This is a great time to reflect too! DO SOME SELF-CARE

REMINDER - make moon water! water laced outside or on your window sill gets charged by the full moon and can accelerate your manifestation rapidly. 

simply just take a bottle or glass of water and place it on a window sill or outside so it can soak up the moon's energy, you can write the things you want to manifest and put it under the water, then you drink the water.

from new moon to full-

Waxing crescent - In this phase, you should set your intentions and focus, stay motivated and take action on your plans and manifestations. 

First Quarter- stay determined and strong, achieve tasks you've refrained from doing! now is the time to catch up with the things that need to be done, don't let any doubts get to you during this time. 

Waxing gibbous- Refine your plans, consider your goals and be open to ideas and new concepts. Reflect on expansion and growth. 

from full moon to new moon -

Waning Gibbous- great for expressing Gratitude, write down or journal things you are grateful about, even the simplest of things like that you have legs which can take you places, remember that there is always people who have less than you, so be grateful for what you do have to attract more things you can be grateful (this also raises your vibration).! Get rid of bad addictions and habits, let go of negative energy.

Third Quarter- Re-evaluate your plans for the future, thinks bout all you have accomplished, be proud of how far you have come along, contemplate on things of matter, Forgive yourself for your mistakes and forgive others. 

Waning crescent- This is a time for rest, Detach from the world and think things over, prepare for the start of a new beginning.

I recommend checking this article out:

it's about what the moon phase you were born on says about you, I think it is really interesting!

it's about what the moon phase you were born on says about you, I think it is really interesting!

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