The 12 Laws Of The Universe

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1. The Law of Divine Oneness 

This Law justifies that everything in this world is ultimately connected meaning that everything in this world will impact your life just like global warming impacts everyone around the globe, every single action, choice, belief and word you put into existence. This links to the type of vibration you are putting out to the world which will impact the vibration of the world since we are all a collective of spirituality vibrating beings. All of our actions will make the world how it is as we are interconnected and everything is 'divine oneness'.

 The impact of The Law of Divine Oneness may manifest into your life immediately or out of nowhere, it may also manifest slower and appear later in your life or you may not even realise the effect of this.

2. The Law of Vibration.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

This Law states that every particle in the universe is constant vibration on a certain energetic field, ranging from your computer ( usually low vibrating ) to animals, plants (high vibrating) and humans. We all have our own specific energy frequency. This law is really important to note when you are trying to manifest something in your life, you have to be energetically aligned with what you desire to attract it, or you won't attract it, you also won't attract much if you're vibrating on a low frequency. 

Certain emotions hold frequencies too which will affect your energetic vibration, try to aim to feel more towards higher vibrating emotions and less of the lower vibrating emotions to achieve your highest spiritual potential 

Here is a scale of different emotions and the frequency they hold:

Here is a scale of different emotions and the frequency they hold:

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There are multiple things that can raise your vibration; going out in nature, meditating, crystals, exercising, listening to frequencies, going on adventures, having fun, being creative, self-care, affirmations

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There are multiple things that can raise your vibration; going out in nature, meditating, crystals, exercising, listening to frequencies, going on adventures, having fun, being creative, self-care, affirmations... (most mainstream music has negative lyrics and low frequencies to it which can lower your vibration by listening to them) Your diet contributes a massive part of your frequency!!! This is why I highly recommend going Vegan if you aren't already. Meat, dairy, processed and junk foods are highly damaging not only to your health but to your energetic field, the animals that have been killed contain a vibration too and this could be a vibration filled with frightful emotions and the pain that it has gone through, you then intake that energy and it contributes to part of your vibration ultimately lowering your own and allowing your body to experience the same emotions.

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