Thirty- Three

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Caution is the key to success

I closed the door of the nursery now occupied not only by our son but with our daughter as well. That means I needed to be more cautious with what I do with the situation at hand. Having three children is no joke at all. Now is the time to plan ahead and neutralize this threat. With Peter in custody and my mother and father in Greece alone, it is my sole responsibility to take care of my family. That includes my extended family as well.

I returned to our bedroom and saw violet wasn't there. I made my way towards Luke's room and open it slightly to see Violet was reading him something. I walked inside and kissed his forehead. "Dada there is a monster under my bed." I smiled at that. "Oh, it was the same one under my bed too when I was little," I told him. "What you did then?" he asked. "I made him my friend. Then I never had to be afraid of him again." He looked at me as I am some kind of hero to him.

I do not wish to disappoint them at all. "So, tomorrow is Chris's birthday and I was hoping we could reveal the name of our daughter then to everyone?" I nodded. Violet was folding the clothes. I was helping her. "You should not work this much querida, remember you are still not well enough." "I will be if you stop treating me as a fragile porcelain doll. I am alright Lucian and I am not going to get hurt again." She replied to me frustrated. "Alright, what do you wish to do then?" I asked holding her hand to stop her from working.

"Let me go to work without my personal babysitters." We are not having this discussion about her bodyguards. "Alright, they will not be with you in the immediate vicinity, will that make you happy? I can spare you this much leniency. That is all. Now can you not stay mad at me? I cannot open my eyes in the morning and not see that smile on your face. Your smile makes my day. And yes, we have to visit my old commanding officer. He couldn't attend the wedding. But he wants to meet you and the children." She touched my face lovingly.

"Anything you want to have. Luci, I know he is important to you. I know you see him as your father. And I will not stop you from going to him. I will go with you if that you want." She placed her head on my chest leaning into me. "You know how peaceful this is? To be able to enjoy these quiet moments with you?" She asked. "I know exactly how you feel and I feel the same as well." I hugged her tightly. She closed her arms around me. And we stayed like that quiet a while. That is until her phone rang and she had to go away.

I heard her talking in a hushed tone with someone. She was tensed. Could it be that it was the same caller who she had been talking to back in Greece? Why she don't tell me who it is? I do not wish to invade her privacy. That is not the right thing to do. I must trust her. But if she harms herself then? Then what should I do about it? I have to make sure that she stays safe. That is what I should do as her husband. But I wish she would trust me and tell me exactly what is going on in her life.

She returned back and laid beside me. She didn't say a word to me afterward. But I can feel that she was in great distress over something. She snuggled up to me and hold me tightly. I pretended to be asleep to see what she will do next. She got up and walked out of the room. I followed her silently. I wanted to know what she will do next.

She slowly walked towards my home office and unlocked it. Then she walked inside not closing the door fully. I think she didn't think I would follow in or maybe she knows that I will and she does not care anyway for the same. She pulled the statue and the secret door opened in the wall. Then she punched the code once again. She walked inside the hidden room. What for? I have no idea. Then I too decided to follow only problem is it will alert her of my presence. So, I let her do what she wanted to and decided to check up on her.

The only thing she didn't know about this room is, I have set up a trap inside just in case. She will never know that I am watching her. That is what I want her to think that she is perfectly safe in there. I walked out not leaving a trace that I was ever there in the first place. If she knows she will never do what she intends to. But this is not only of the secret room in this place. I walked into my study and from there into another hidden space. This serves as my personal surveillance room.

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