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Point of no return

I stopped the car at the front of the graveyard. I know very well no one deserves to see this but, he has to. And after this, we will be at a point of no return. He and I both. I will be the father who had deliberately broken every dream of his child meeting his mother ever.

"Daddy, why are we here? Is mommy here?" I heard him ask. "Yes, Mommy is here and she is waiting for you." He got down from the car without his crutches and it was like someone had put wheels on his legs. He ran inside. Even when the doctor told him not to. I sighed and held him in my arms picking him up. "Hold on buddy, don't you want to get mom some flowers we bought?" He looked at me wide-eyed.

"Forgot about flowers." I smiled. "I didn't see I brought her favorite, Orchids. White ones, she loved them." He took them from my hand and we got inside the graveyard. It was a gloomy day. Storm clouds were revolving around our heads. I know the weather is in accordance with my mood. It was gloomy too. I can sense that it was going to be a huge storm.

I located her grave. And then placed Lucas down on the ground. "Where is mommy?" he asked. "Here is your mommy," I told him pointing to the stone. He touched it. "Mommy?" No one answered. I know no one will. She had left all of us here. Probably I have the most questions that will forever remain unanswered. "But I cannot see her" Neither can I.

"Can't you?" I crouched down to his level. I placed my finger on his heart. "She is in here. She is with you always. If you can feel her, she has never left." I whispered. "I don't understand Dada" I placed the flowers on the grave. "She is with the stars." He looked at me, with his bright eyes, grey like his mother's. "Mommy is not here. She is not with me. She left me here. She left me alone." I hugged him tightly.

"No, she hasn't. She didn't have a choice." I tried to make him understand. But try and break the news to your four-year-old about her mother's death. "No, she always left me. She always..." he begins to hit me. And then threw fits. "Lucas, Lucas stop" I raised my voice a little. His eyes were filled with tears and he pushed me away running out. "Lucas stop." He did and turn around to look at me. "You are lying just like she did." And then he ran away again.

I ran after him trying to catch him up. Even with his weak legs, he is quite a runner if he wanted to be. I saw him trying to get into the car. So that was all of it and then it is the end of the discussion. I think in this one area he is just like his mother. When she didn't want to talk no one could have made her talk. And he is just like her. So, the best course of action was to wait for him to talk.

He remained silent for the rest of the journey. As the house approached, he couldn't help himself. And then he reached for the door handle. He got inside without looking at me. Somehow his silence was killing me. I followed him hoping that I could find a common ground and we can talk finally. But he wasn't talking to me.

"How did it go?" Violet asked. "How can it go? Try telling a kid that his mother is dead. Then see how it goes." I told her with an anger-filled voice. "I wouldn't have known that. I was born and bought up by my sister. Like she didn't have to tell me my mother and father died in a car accident. How could I know? After all, I was fifteen when that happened and my sister was freshly graduated from college. Sure I will not feel the pain because I am older not a four-year-old."

"I didn't mean that. I didn't know that you had lost your parents tragically. I knew they are dead. You never told me how." She laughed at this. "Oh, so it was alright to you to say that I wouldn't understand. The truth is you do know at all about pain or love or anything. You are a cold-hearted bastard." I took off my suit and placed it over the couch. And then I walked towards the room. "Talk to me when I talk to you. I am your wife for god's sake it had been months since you even looked at me Lucian since you looked at Christopher."

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now