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Birthday surprises

I woke up in cold sweat once again. Then I checked up on both my children. Then I walked inside Violet's room. She looked so cold. I placed the duvet on her. I know I cannot sleep again. And this is because tomorrow is my birthday. 

I never knew it was that say until I have seen my birth certificates. Another truth I have hid from everyone. My true identity. I know it very well. I know my birth parents. I know who they were and where they lived.

I was about to live when Violet held my hand. I was very surprised to see her wide awake. "Lucian" She said in her ever so mesmerising voice. "you should go to sleep," I told her not harshly. I have learned my lesson not to raise my voice on her ever again. I tried to remove her hand from mine. But she tightened her hold over me.

"Stop punishing yourself like this. What happened to me wasn't your fault. I walked away from you. I was the one who was angry. I got frustrated and I decided to leave it all behind. I should have hold on to you and fought back your stubborn self." I smiled.

 I am stubborn and that is an understatement. But then again, she knows my best and unfortunately my worst too. "I am not punishing myself. I know you cannot handle me. You are not ready Violet. I do not wish to hurt you more than I already did."

She stood up from the bed. Her body was marked all over. That is not how I have left her. No, that is not what my Violet is. "I have something for you" She gave me a box. "Happy birthday Lucian." She knows when my birthday is. My real birthday but how?

 "I am your wife; you don't think I will know what you have been hiding from me?" She asked. "I never hid anything from you ever Violet. I promise you this much."

"Open it." She insisted. I unwrapped the box and opened it. It contained a pocket watch. "Open it" I opened the watch and the clock face have a picture of me and Daphne. Why? Why not hers? Why Daphne. "Do you like it? I found the picture and I thought..." "Why?" I asked.

 "Because I thought you have many things to remember me by but you don't have anything that can remind you of her. Your first love." Oh Violet, but I never loved her as much as I have loved you.

"It was taken on the beach. We were so young back then. Sophomore year, we went to Miami. There is where it was taken as a memory." She smiled. "That is something I didn't know." I touched the photograph. "Thank you, Violet. Let me put you to sleep." I offered. "I cannot sleep Lucian. I cannot because every time I close my eyes I..." "You what?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all." What are you still hiding from me? tell me what is troubling you? I am here for you Violet and that is one thing never going to be changed no matter what. "You should get some sleep as well Mr. Night. Tomorrow Lucas is going in for the first course of treatment. You want to be present for that," She told me.

"You should too, you are his mother Violet." She shook her head. "I am her step mother. Someone he cannot accept like you Mr. Night, your son too thinks I am invading his personal life. His privacy. If not how can he ever be reluctant to let me come into his room. For last one month he barely even looked at me." I didn't know it Violet.

 "I should talk to him about..." "No Lucian, I don't want to force this relationship on him. Nor I wish to force this on you. I am beginning to think that maybe Myra was right and I shouldn't have married you. I am just a burden on you. Maybe this birthday we should get you a life that you deserve."

I stood up and closed the door bolted it tightly. She looked at me with her big green eyes. They were afraid of me. "What is the life that I deserve?" I asked. "I am tying you with me stopping you from being with your son and I do not wish to evade your personal life that way Lucian." She whispered. "And it took you eight months of our marriage to figure this out? Or is it your sister who finally got to you?" I asked not approaching her.

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