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The new Night

I rushed towards the hospital. I cannot lose her. Not for anything. "Don't close your eyes ok? We are almost at the hospital" I told her. "Lucas?" She asked. "Here, I am here" I heard my little boy say. I parked the car and rushed with her inside. "Doctor, my fiancée is bleeding she is pregnant."

The nurse came in with some consent forms. I signed them filling in the relationship. I looked at my son who managed to follow me in midst of all the tragedy and confusion. I called her sister. Myra wasn't happy I can tell as she picked up the phone. And just at that moment shouted at me.

"What more do you want?" She asked "Myra, Violet went into labor and she is bleeding too much. I don't know who else to call now." She didn't say a word for a while and then I heard her shout for Damien to get the car out. "Where are you," I told her the address of the hospital.

I paced around as my little boy slept. I can tell he is exhausted. I sat down beside him putting his head on my lap. "Sorry Son, I didn't know it is going to be this much hard for you." I kissed his forehead. "Dada" He mumbled in his sleep. Yes, your father. I wish I had known before. I could have helped your mom raise you.

"Really Lucian? My sister is dying and you are here looking after him still. I cannot believe how cold-hearted you can be regarding my sister." Myra shouted at me. "Don't shout at me or blame a little boy for your sister's condition. He didn't put her there. He informed me about her whereabouts. He was the one for whom I can reach here on time." I said trying to control my anger. I don't want to frighten my little boy more than he already is.

"Myra, please we talked about this didn't we?" Damien said. She crossed her hands around her arms. "I don't want to listen to anything Damien. Is this the man my sister risked everything for? She fought with me for him? Look at him, he doesn't even care about her." She looked at my little boy again. "And all it was because of him"

"Myra" Damien exclaimed in a warning voice. That was a first. I never heard him raise his voice at Myra before. "You too Damien taking his side?" She asked in a voice of disbelief. "I am not Myra. I am not taking his side. I am the neutral party here who understands this, there is no fault of that child in all this. He isn't responsible for your sister's condition"

I am amazed that he even raised his voice in front of her. It was like she was the boss in their relationship. "Damien" He looked at me and I shook my head. I will let Myra blame me. I will let her hate me. As always, she is going to misjudge me. But it is alright. I am not going to say that she should love me, or like me. She need not do that at all.

The lights of the operation theatre went off. And the doctor came out. "How is she?" Myra asked. "How is my sister doctor?" She asked. "She is alright and out of danger." Myra sighed in relaxation. "And the baby?" I asked. "Congratulations Mr. Night it is a boy. And he is perfectly healthy." I nodded. 

"When can I see them?" I asked. "Soon, the team of doctors you called was really helpful Sir." I nodded. "It wasn't a problem. I would always want what is best for my fiancée Doctor. Let me clear the rest of the things you told me about. The medications and other things?" I asked. "Sure, you can deposit the amount at the cash counter." He left after that.

I entered the room she was in. Violet was sleeping soundly and Myra was sitting beside her. But as if she can sense my presence her eyes opened. Violet looked at me with a tired expression on her face. Her lips curved into a smile. "I will get the doctor," I told Myra who didn't say a word to me. I think she is still mad at me with the Lucas incident. Thank god Damien called Samuel and he came through, he and Iris both.

"Lucian" I heard Violet call in a hoarse voice. That call is always managed to stop me at my tracks no matter what. I can never ever manage to evade that. I turned around and looked at her. She was looking straight at me. And like always there wasn't anyone else present in the space we created for ourselves. Like always it is her and it is me. Just the two of us and no one else.

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now