14. Some advice

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[(Y/N)s pov]

"Oh shit!" Silco jumped out of surprise from my sudden shout. "What?" "I fucking forgot about someone I captured!" "You did what? Who?" "I found a girl that was part of destroying the shop." "What shop?" "From my mission? Didn't I tell you?" "No, you did not." "Oh... well know you know." My face grew a smal smile. "I should go and finally check on her." Silco just looked pissed at me. "Oh... sorry, honey. But we can continue later." With that I got up and started walking to the door, but my movements got stopped by Silco grabbing my arm. "You can't just leave me." "Oh?" He pulled on my arm, so that I stumbled into his arms. "But..." "There are no buts." His right hand went into my hair and pushed my head onto his lips. His left hand went onto my hip, holding it firmly. I decided to just go with it... that girl could wait a bit more.

We shared that passionate kiss for some time, till the office door got slammed open. "Sil-" Sevika. Silco looked up to look at the interpretation. "Can't you see that I'm busy?" He glared at her, but was still holding me. "The chambarons scheduled an assembly and it didn't sound like a request." Silco let out a long sigh and pulled away. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and left with Sevika right after. I just stood there confused, until I remembered that girl again. I ran down the stairs to look for the guy who was looking after her. "Yoo, lil demon. Haven't seen you around lately." A group member from that shop owner appeared behind me."Yeah... I had some things to do... oh btw why did you see the girl we captured?" "Ah yes. They took her back to the shop, coz we have a basement there." "Thanks!" I shouted while already making my way out of the bar.

I arrived at the shop shortly after. The shop owner sat behind his counter, counting some coins. As I got closer he finally noticed me. "Lil demon? Here for the girl?" "Yes. Where is she?" "Well after she woke up she started to fight, so we had to put her into a cage downstairs. Feel free to go there, here are the keys." He throws me the ring with a serious amount of keys. "Its that big, circly one." "K." I started to walk but stopped immediately. "Something the matter?" "Well I have no idea where I have to go." "Oh right. Its right behind that left corner there." He pointed into my direction and then left. "Ah thanks."

I walked the way he poined at, through the cages filled with random creatures. They all stared at me without even blinking. Some were fluffy and other had no hair. Some even looked really fucked up, but one caught my attention. A really small fluffy creature with horns.

 A really small fluffy creature with horns

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"We just got him. He was a hard one to catch." I turned my head to look at the shop owner. "Where did you find it?" "One of my workers found it walking around the streets in Piltover." "Piltover? Interesting..." My attention got caught by that creatures lil bark. "Hm... he seems to like ya. Not even one of us could get him to move out of the corner, maybe you should take him?" "A pet? Noo... Silco wouldn't approve that." "What does Silco have to do with that decision?" Shit... I had to think of an excuse... "Well because that would mean, that I wouldn't be available as much for Silco as I used to be." "Good point. But just think about it, you might be the only one he likes."

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