2. New surroundings

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02.07 a.m.
[(Y/n) pov]

I'm finally getting back my consciousness. My head is feeling fuzzy and my right leg hurts quite a lot. I sit up to look around the room. I was laying on top of an operation table. 'Wierd... why am i here?' It looks like I'm in a laboratory. I look to my right and see a really big kind of mutated Axolotl that just stares at me. "Well you look cute" I say. "She is dying" said the same scrawny voice I heard on the bridge, from a dark corner.

"Ahh!?" I jumped so hard that I fell from the table. "Ouch..." now my but hurts too. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you little girl." "Who... are you?" "Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I am Singed. And you are?" "(Y/n)." "(Y/n)? What an interesting name." "Why am I here?" "Well you looked quite helpless on that bridge so I decided to help you."
"...thank you." He walked over to the mutation to pet it. Now I'm able to look at him properly. His face is sunken in and skinny. His eyes have something creepy about them.
"Singed? My head hurts..." "Well I gave you some of my experiments to see if they help. I do think they did but I am not sure about the side-effects." "Is it dangerous?" "Not as far as I am aware. But its still needs work." "... can I help? In change for a home?" "Hmm why not?"

--time skip 3 weeks--
05.23 a.m.

I assisted Singi now for a week and learned a bit about science and other interesting stuff.
I walk out of my room into the lab to start my morning routine of helping. "(y/n)? I'm going to need you to go to a shop in the Lanes. The name is Benzos. Go there and look for some pieces I wrote on this here note and here is some money." He hands me the note and the bag full of coins. "Well good morning to you too. And are you sure I can do it? Its like a maze down there." "Don't worry, you will figure it out." I was walking to the door when Singi added something to our conversation. "And if there're going to be coins left, go ahead and buy yourself something you want." "Really? Thank you oh thank you Singi!"
With that I made my way out of the house into the cave we live in. 'Okey (y/n) you can do this. I haven't left our house since I came here but it will work.'

Not long after, I'm hopping from roof to roof and on some pipes to pipes. I now am on a really big pipe that is atleast bigger then me. I look down and see the ground. I decided to just jump of coz it wasn't that high. I tried to smooth out the jump with a roll on the end but I just rolled into a wall.
It was quite the loud happening so I even got someones attention. "Heya, sweet one? Ain't ya lost down here?" A man that was about as tall as Singi stood in front of me. He has short black hair and is wearing rather sad looking clothes. "No sir. I am on my way to someone so pleace excuse me." "Sir? What a polite little one and quite cute looking too.You could be worth some cash." A grin growing on his face. "Ehm no thank you?" he started to walk up to me while I crawl backwards on the dusty ground. "Oy pal, dont ya think its time to make a leave?" A quite big man, and not only in the height, walks into the alleyway. He has a very interesting accent. "Non of your goddammn business, fatty."
"Who ya calling fatty, ya punk?" The creepy guy just hissed and left. "Yer okey lil one?" "Yes, thank you." "No need to thank good old benzo haha." "Benzo? So your the shop owner that I am heading to?" "I don't know, am I?" "Well Singi... i mean Singed sent me here to look for some parts he needs. I have the money and a list of the things i need." "Well then follow me lil one."

I was following him around the corner where the shop sign poped up. 'So i alreadywas at my destination... ' Benzo opened the door and we walked in. I put the note on the desk for him to look at.
"Well yer a lucky one, all those parts just came in." "Perfekt." I was quite happy to be able to help Singi. "By the way, lil one... are ya alright? I assume that hella loud bang on ma wall was ya?" "Yes I am alright, thanks for the concern." "What a polite one ya are." He put the bag with parts on the table. "So... now ya gotta pay." "That will be no problem. How much do I owe you? "

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