13. Old friendship

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08.54 p.m.
[Sevikas pov]

"The hell was that?" I was just standing in Silcos office till a loud bang appeared. Silco stands up and looks out of his window. "That seems just like your girlfriends doing... always some wierd shit." "Go there and take a look around. If she's really there just drag her bag here, I need her with me." His tone full of frustration. "Why? So that she won't make more trouble or just because you want it?" He turns around and just glares. "Since when do you talk back?" I decided to not provoke this situation even more and just take my leave. Still wondering what (y/n) did now. Most likely more trouble for us... why is Silco always taking in shit that's useless for us?

I slamm the bar door open and look around. A dust cloud hovering over a street to the left. Its obvious where I have to look, so I start walking and noticed that my footsteps are the only thing to hear. As further as I walk the more destroyed ground and silence appears. "You're not (y/n) anymore..." Jackpot. My steps now becoming faster till three silhouettes came into view. The dust is now almost completely vanished, letting me scan the scene. A big guy with a white uniform is standing in shock. A bit further behind him is a shrimpy looking dude with a crutch and both of them are looking at... (y/n). She's standing there glaring back at them. Right infront of her is something... something that seemed to be hammer, but its hard to tell by all those pieces. (Y/n) is still holding a piece of it in her right hand.

I storm up to her and grab her shoulder to turn her to face me. "What did you do now?" "Why do you fucking care?" "He wants you back in his office." "Tell him that I. Don't. Care." "Goddammit you little brat. Do you think that you can just do whatever you do?" "Yes. And I did."

"And you are?" A strong voice coming from the two dudes and I'm assuming that it was the strong build one. "None of your goddammn business." "Well you seem to know the murderer of the Kiramman." My head turning to glare at (y/n), which makes her sigh. "So I'm asking again, who are you?"

09.08 p.m.
[(Y/n)s pov]

Sevika just started to glare at Jayce, so I decided to help her out a bit. "Nobody worth knowing, so stop being annoying." Now everyone is glaring at me again. "Shut your mouth, wierdo." "So you really want to keep fighting? Even tho I broke your toy?" "Toy? That hammer was revolutionary! And you just destroyed that." I shrug my shoulders rather bored. "Woops, I guess." His face now more furious. "Jayce please... lets stop that stupid fight." Viktor trying his best to get a piece of mind into Jayce, but I spontaneously decided that I want my fun. "Yes, because your pretty butt could get hurt." That triggerd Sevika and Viktor to yell at me at the same time.  "(Y/n)! Stop provoking!"

"But big guy, you should listen to your friend there. The only thing you get from fighting her is either death or pain that makes you wish to die." Sevika grabs my arm and starts dragging me away. "Wh-Wh-Wait! Where do you think you're going?" Jayce seems confused by us taking the leave. "Why do you care?" "Because she killed someone important?" I wiggled myself free from Sevikas grib and ran to Jayce to stand right infront of him. "So the only fucking reason you act as if you care is because she was important? What a true friend you are." Jayce seems stunned by my words, but Sevika just grabs me again and starts walking to the bar. "How about we continue our little chat somewhere more private."

Sevika slams Silcos office door open and throws me inside. Silco sighs as soon as he realized that it was me who is now sitting on his fluffy carpet and Sevika broke the silence.  "We have a problem." His gaze now back at her. "What now?" Since Sevika took her time to answer, I couldn't resist of answering myself. "The Councilor Talis is here and I doubt that he just wants a nice chat with us." "Counciler? What is a Counciler doing down here?"
"I could answer that." Jayce is now standing in the doorframe, Viktor behind him. Silco looks at him with a serious  face.

Without a word Jayce walks over to Silcos couch and lets himself down on it. Viktor just stands besides him and Silco decided to take a seat infront of Jayce. "So?" "I was here to investigate the disappearance of the Kirammans daughter, but then I stumbled upon someone who is involved in that." Jayce turns his head to look at me. "And that someone revealed her death." His voice now full of calm rage. Silco keeps staring at him and I can see how his jaw clenched.

The tension got interrupted by someone entering the room. Jinx. She looks blankly around and spotted me, sitting on the carpet. "Whats that all about? Ouuuhhh did our hellhount mess something up?" Viktors expression changing into confusion. "Hellhount?" Jinx walks up to me and lets herself down next to me. "Oohh this here", she takes her hand and makes a wierd gesture infront of my face," is our so called hellhount." "Jinx." Silco glares at her which made her start pouting.

"You are here too?" We all look suprised at Jayces sudden reaction and it got silent for the next minutes until Viktor broke it. "Too?" "That girl was the one stealing the gemstone!" Jayce stood up rather furiously and looks at Jinx then at Silco. "You where behind that all?" "That all? What makes you think that we have anything to do with your... matters?" Silco also stand up, just to be head to head with Jayce. "Oh that blue haired creep was there! I saw how she had the gemstone in her hands and how she left!" "And you didn't do anything against it?" Viktor jumped in. Jayce turns to look at him. "She exploded a whole building! Our lab was completely destroyed, there was no way of me following her!" Jayce turns back to glare at me. "And your hellhount here, told me herself that she killed the Kiramman."

Silcos head turned in an instant to look at me, but I'm too ashamed by my failure so I turn my head away immediately. "We can't be sure of that, Jayce. Maybe she just wanted to provoke you to a fight?" Jayce looks at Viktor with disbelief. "What are you talking about?" "I know (y/n). She would never kill someone! She aims to protect her close ones." Viktor looks desperately at me, to see any sing of reassurance. Well that could spare me a lot of trouble, so I just nod at him. "You can't be serious, Viktor! We have to do something about this situation!"

Silco lets out a deep sigh. "And what do you plan on doing now?" "Since I know that , Jinx was it?, stole the stone, I could get her arrested. But I am also sure that (y/n) killed the Kirammans daughter. So I could actually get her arrested too."  "That won't happen." "Thats not for you to decide." "You really think so?" Jayce freezes and stares Silco into his eyes. Jayce knows that Silco would do anything to protect me or Jinx, even of it would cost lives.

"Then lets make a deal." "That would be?" "You give me back my gemstone and I will only arrested one of them. You decide wich one." "Why should I accept that?" "Because I need someone to pay for the crimes and I will get them one way or another, even if needed, I will use force." "So you would start a war between topside and Zhaun, because of your personal issues?" "Personal issues?" "You seem obsessed with that Kiramman and that stone. So if you won't get any of them, you would pay with death to get it?" "We don't have to. Just say who I will be taking with me."

"Jayce, maybe you're overstepping. We should try to avoid a war and not create one." "We can't let him go without having to pay." Silco and Jayce are now standing head to head again, glaring at each other. Silco wouldn't accept that ridiculous offer, right? He loves Jinx and me too much for that. Well I released that I may have made quite the problems and drama here, but that wouldn't change his feelings. That would be ridiculous.

"I won't let you take anyone." "You will regret this decision." Jayce storms out of the office, leaving Viktor alone. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You should leave, Vik." "Vik? I missed that nickname." He puts on a sad smile and takes his leave.

After that Silco walks to his couch and lets himself fall down. His head leaning into his hand. "Leave. All of you." We all decided to not provoke him anymore, so we just left. I was about to enter my room, but a thought keeping me from it. I can't leave him alone now... he needs someone. So I turn around and walk to his door and knock slightly. No answer. But I opened the door anyway, revealing Silco still in the same place. "Leave. I want to be alone." He is not even looking at who he's talking to. "I can't leave you alone." He finally looks up and his expression relaxes a bit. I walk up to him, but I stop right infront of him. "I made a big mistake, right? We started a war because of my failure, right?" Tears starting to fall down. Silco quickly stands up and takes my cheeks into his hands. "Don't worry. We will figure it out, Princess." With that he pulls me into a kiss.

We pull away after some time and make us comfortable on the couch. "Are you mad at me?" "Yes." "But you don't hate me now, do you?" "I can understand your frustration. I did make a mistake too, with not answering you immediately about that whole new friend thing." He turns my head to face him. "So don't worry. I will always love you, my Princess."

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