8. Torture

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03.25 p.m.
[Silcos pov]

My desk full with paperwork which doesn't seem to end. And my Princess disappeared after our last conversation. What is she up to? No! I have to focus on my work!


I almost reached my desk after snuggeling with my Princess. Hearing her footsteps walking away makes my mood drop. But they stopped. I was about to turn around when (y/n) just hugged me from behind. "Bye" Her voice soundig sad. I open my mouth to say something but she already ran out of my office.

*flashback end.

I slam my fist on the desk. Goddammit! I keep thinking about her without a break... In that moment a knock appeared on the door. "Come in." Sevika walks in with a new attached prosthetic. Perfect timing.
"Does your arm work without problems?"
"Yes." "Good. Do you know where (y/n) is?" "No." "And Jinx?" "No. Do you want me to look for them?" "Yes."
With that she leaves my office. I let myself flall into the chair. My eyes looking out the window.

06.49 p.m.
[(Y/n)s pov]

W-What happened? My eyes slowly opening, but I can't see shit because of a blindfold on my eyes. "Oh? So you finally decided to wake up?" "Wha- Jinx, the hell is going on here?" I am laying on something hard and some straps are holding me down. "So you see... we have a small problem." Her voice sounding hurt.

"What are you talking about? What problem?" Her footsteps now coming closer. She rips of the blindfold, letting me see my surroundings. Singeds lab? "The hell are we doing here?" "Oh I just wanted to borrow some things from Silcos... friend."
The starps on my head are loose enough for me to look around.
My eyes spotting Sevika tied up to a random pipe. Unconscious. Jinx slowly walking up to me and making the strap tighter. "So my problem... is you."


"Do you really think that you can seduce Silco and use him for you personal matters?" I just look at her with a frustrated confusion.
"I saw how he came out of your room the other night. And you can trust me that I know what you two did."
"So we like each other in a different way than you two do... I can't see the problem." My voice sounding rather desperate.

She walks over to me and glares me into my eyes. "The problem is that you think that you can take my place beside him."
"What? No! I... I-." "So you actually have feelings for him?" Silence...
"You know that I will always be the only one he loves, right? Just because he had his fun with you doesn't mean a thing."
My mouth is now unable to talk so I just lay there with panic rising inside me.

Our attention gets caught by a grunt coming form Sevikas direction.
"Oh look! Sevika wants to join us." Jinx leaves my sise to playfully jump to Sevika. With a small thud she lets herself down next to her. "Uhgg... what?" "Good evening, Sevika!" "The hell am I doing here?" "Sitting? Oh and look! (Y/n) is here too!"
Both looking at me now.
Jinx turns back to face Sevika.

"Did you know that this little bitch here," she points slowly at me, "slept with Silco? And now she thinks that she can take our place?"
Sevika just sits there and glares at me..."Thats not the only thing she did." Sevika still staring into my eyes. "Oh? Spill the tea!" She lets her face rest on her hands. "She killed you sister."

Jinx jumps up from the ground and stumbles back with a face showing her disbelieve.
"Vi? That can't be... she was already dead!"
"She wasn't. That slut over there killed her." Sevika pointing with her chin at me.
Jinx slowly turns her head to look at me. "This can't be true..."

"Whose body do you think I was carrying? You saw that pink hair." "And who was that other body?" "One of her friends, I guess."
Jinx still looking with frustration at me. Silence... without another word Jinx went to Singeds desk and grabbed something. I can't see what she grabbed, but I know that its nothing good.

She turns back to me and in her hand a syringe with a red loolking liquid inside.
My eyes now tearing up. "Oh dont cry. You had it coming." Her voice now sounding full with rage. Even if I wanted to I couldn't move. The strips are tight and they hold my head straight and on place, my legs and arms are as if glued on place and my stomach is getting crushed 'coz its to tight strapped. Not wasting any time Jinx injects the syringe in my left shoulder. I scream from the top of my lungs. The pain spreading from my shoulder into my whole body. Making me feel an unbearable pain and numb at the same time. The pain feels like my organs are dissolving from the inside. My screams so loud they shattered some glas containers and spilled their insides.
My consciousness was already threatening to give me up but I could still notice that Jinx went to the desk to get some more Syringes. This time one had a pink colored liquid in it and the other a green one.

The pink one went into my right thigh. This time the pain was like its dissolving my muscles. Everything burned and I can feel every blood vessels in my body. My eyes started to fill with tears mixed with a wierd shiny liquid. My body cramped from the pain but the strips didn't leave me much room to move. The green syringe was making its way to my stomach. With a sting it entered my flesh and the liquid gets pushed inside. This time I felt a deep pain burning my insides more intense then the other two injections and it got to much for my body to handle, so everything went black.

08.20 p.m.
[Jinx pov]

(Y/n) just layed there now. Her chest not moving anymore. I look at the mess that I made. Blood mixed with wierd shiny liquids all over her and the ground. Well she is definitely dead. But who cares? Not even bothering to check up on her, I throw the syringes back onto the desk and walk to Sevika. Loosing that grumpy woman from my ropes. "What did you inject into her?" Her voice sounding a bit regretful.

I shrug with my shoulders. "I don't know. I just grabed random stuff that was laying on the desk." We made our way home. "We can't just leave her there." "What does it matter?" "Well Silco will ask about her. And he will kill us both if he finds out!""Naahhh.... don't worry. He will understand that that hoe had to go."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Her voice now having fear in it.
I just decided to ignore her whining, wich she noticed and that finally made her stop talking. (Y/n)s disappearance won't make us that much trouble... right? I shrugged that feeling of and continued to hum a melody.

Silcos office door swings open with a loud bang. His shoked expression looking at me and Sevika. "Where the hell have you been? I was waiting for over 5 hours!" His voice full of madness.
"We took care of that bitch who tried to take you away from me." I say that with a big smile and a really proud voice. "Who?" His eyes squinting as if he can't think of anybody. "You know... (y/n)." "WHAT?!" He stood up so fast that his chair fell to the ground. His hands still on the desk supporting his body.

That sudden reaction made me stumble back a bit. "What did you do to her?" His voice and expression full with rage. Me getting pissed myself now. "Why are you yelling at me? I did you a favor! She was just an annoying little bitch who was just a little bit stronger then me... who cares? We can find a better one!"

"Favor? Are you out of your mind? What did you do to (y/n)?!" Him now fully standing.
"I killed her... okey? When i was finished with her, she just stopped breathing!" He stumbles back with a shocked expression. His eyes now fixed at the ground. "She... she killed Vi!" No reaction... "You told me that Vi was already dead!" Still no reaction...

"Could it be... that you liked her?" His eyes now looking at mine. My eyes staring to tear up.. "Where did you do it?" "...At Singeds lab. *sniff* We left her body there." Without another word he storms out of the room, leaving me and Sevika alone.

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