23: The Escape

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Percy POV

They made me stay in the storage closet. It was only a few hours later. Reyna gave me an extra gun and commanded me to use it if I have to. Then, the Stolls and Reyna left to initiate the plan. A sinking feeling told me that I'd have to use the gun today. I hoped not, though.

I was sitting alone and waiting for the signal.

Basically, Connor Stoll was going to create a diversion by causing an explosion. At the same time, Travis will be at the main tech room at Elysium; he'll be cutting the security footage for as long as he could.

After Travis cuts the cameras, Connor would initiate the diversion. Then, Reyna would cut the power to the secret doors. She was in the main security room of Sector 3.

Much of the plan relied on teamwork, and Reyna had the most dangerous job. She had to quickly and secretly take out the guards in the Sector 3 security room.

However, Reyna was a badass.

I was confident that she had already whooped their butts and was waiting for the signal. The air was tense. I hated waiting here like this.


A loud explosion rocked the entire facility. The ground shook as I leaned against a nearby shelf to steady myself.

Even as I ran out of the closet, I felt the tremors vibrating the ground.

I turned towards the secret doors leading into the pool room of Sector 3. My friends were stuck on the opposite side. The security panel was still active.

What if Reyna couldn't deactivate it?

I ran towards the panel and pressed a few buttons. It was still functioning, so the doors were slammed shut. I couldn't pull them apart. Dam it.

Come on, Reyna. My mind was racing.

Suddenly, the panel's lights died. YES. I immediately set the gun down and started prying the doors open. They were like two-way elevator doors. I didn't have a lot of time, but I was also only one man. Frank would be much better at this.

Regardless, I used all my strength to push the doors apart. The familiar setting of the pool room opened in front of me. It was devoid of people.

In an ideal world, all of my friends would've been in the pool room. However, we were certainly not living in an ideal world.

I grabbed the gun and ran through the pool room. The pool water glistened and reflected the lights from all around. Everything was the same though.

My heart raced as I pounded through the Sector 3 hallway. No one was in the bedroom either. Where the hell was everyone? This was not the time for freaking hide and seek.

It was lunchtime.

I barged into the cafeteria and shouted at them to follow. Their eyes were wide and shocked before they started running. My eyes lingered on Wise Girl for a few seconds before leading everyone back to the pool room.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME TO EXPLAIN. Just follow me," I shouted again.

Jason patted my shoulder as we ran together. My stomach was burning because of my wound, but adrenaline was powering everything right now.

I paused in the room to make sure that there were no guards. Annabeth came beside me and placed her hand on my arm. I looked at her and couldn't help but smile. I was so glad that she was okay and in front of me.

"Percy, how are you alive?" "What the hell is happening?" "Thank gods that you're okay." "I must be dreaming."

A bunch of comments vibrated in my ears, and I couldn't think. I had to get them out of Sector 3 and reunite with Reyna. However, it was so loud, and there was so much happening.

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