1: The Knife

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Percy POV

I woke up to a fuzzy mind.

I groaned as my head fell to the side. I felt drunk, but I knew that I wasn't because I generally didn't drink. They injected something into me.

My eyes widened suddenly as memories flooded back.

I was walking back to my apartment after visiting the hospital. It was a sad trip, and I just wanted to go home and sleep after a long day. It was late at night too. Suddenly, a black van stopped next to me on the road. These guys jumped out. I tried to fight back, but there were too many of them. They were also prepared with a syringe filled with green fluid.

I looked around frantically, but darkness surrounded me. I couldn't see anything, but I knew that I was in a sitting position. My arms were stuck behind me because they were tied together. I was leaning back against something semi-solid.

My muscles ached as I tried to break free. My fingers felt something warm pulsing near my fingers. What the hell?

"Good, you're finally awake. It's about time," a voice stated.

I froze. Female, my mind thought.

But, I couldn't see her. Then, I realized that I was feeling her pulse. Her hands were intertwined with mine because our wrists were tied to each other.

"Where are we?" I asked.

My voice was raspy, and my words were slurred. Whatever they injected me with had a strong effect. One second, I was walking home, and the next, I woke up in a dark room. I didn't understand it one bit.

"I don't know where we are," she stated. However, tension laced her voice, probably because she was also dazed. "We have to get out."

"They, they kidnapped us," I affirmed.

My hands fought against the rope tying us together. My hands shuffled against her hands and her back. Or, what I thought was her back.

"Hey, watch it," she shouted.

The back of her head collided with mine. I groaned as a sharp pain shot into my head. That certainly didn't help my headache.

"Ugh, what the hell?" I snapped. "Why would you do that?"

"You were touching my butt."

"Excuse me? I didn't know. It's not like I was doing it on purpose," I expressed. "Not like I am now." Then, I shifted my hands to purposefully touch her. I could be petty sometimes.

She smashed my head once again, causing me to shout out in annoyance.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," I stated.

"We have to get out of here," she said again. "Look around the room. My eyes adjusted to the poor lighting."

She was correct. My eyes had also adjusted to the poor lighting. It was a very small room, but there was a door a few feet away. Random numbers were on the walls on all four sides. Something dead was laying in the far corner.

"Do you smell that?" I asked. My throat was suddenly dry as I stared at the carcass. It was a pile of flesh, bone, and blood on the ground. I wanted to throw up.

"It's the dead animal. Anyway, um, look at the box," she said.

"There are two boxes," I said.

One box was directly in front of me, so it made sense that she couldn't see it. Another box was in the middle of the room. Both of them contained shiny locks.

"I don't understand what's going on," I said quickly. My mind was racing with all of the different possibilities. Why would our kidnappers put us in a room with a dead animal? Why would they leave boxes and clues on the walls?

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