20: The Labyrinth

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Percy POV

LUKE CASTELLAN was a freaking imposter.

He worked for Elysium all along. In the instant that we were going to escape, he blocked us. He figured out our plan and rejoined Elysium to stop us. Luke failing the last phase was a cover to rejoin his place in the ranks of the enemy.

"How do you sleep at night?" I snapped with venom in my voice.

"I sleep quite nicely. Thank you for asking," Luke said confidently. He jabbed the gun into the back of my skull and forced me to walk.

The guards and Luke were leading us back to the bedroom. They had already confiscated Leo's device and destroyed it. Then, the guard punched Leo across the face.

His black eye was throbbing, and it looked painful.

The guards forced everyone into the bedroom. Their guns were trained on them, which forced everyone back into the bedroom. I was the last to arrive with Luke behind me.

An impact landed on my lower back.

I stumbled into the bedroom but caught myself before falling. I wasn't going to give Luke the satisfaction. He really fooled us all, didn't he?

"I wouldn't bother trying to escape again. There is no escape from Elysium. As proof, the exercise room is officially off-limits. That way, Leo won't be able to make any more toys," Luke said boldly.

"How could you do this, Luke?" Piper asked sadly.

"I've always worked with Elysium. They are the almighty power. I didn't even participate in the first, fourth, cafeteria, or blue room phases. That should've tipped you, idiots."

He crossed his arms as his cruel eyes scanned everyone in the room. His all-white clothing emphasized his superior rank in Elysium. He gave his gun to a nearby guard before stepping closer to me. His steely eyes bore into me, but my glare didn't falter.

Luke's evil smile didn't falter either.

"You suspected me all along, didn't you?" Luke asked quietly.

"My gut usually doesn't lie. I knew you were bad, but I never thought that you were as evil as them," I reprimanded.

"Well, that's one thing that separates. I never would've trusted another soul here. Yet, you always try to help others, don't you? Foolish," Luke spat.

His spit splattered across my cheek as he stepped away. I wiped my face as I went forward. My first raised, and it was so close to connected with Luke's face.

However, a nearby guard roughly caught my arm.

The big guard pushed me back before bowing to his leader. Luke smiled cunningly before turning back to the room. I forced myself to stand and walk towards Annabeth and Thalia. Everyone looked betrayed and angry as they should be.

The group was waiting for the guards to leave so that we could discuss everything and console Leo, who looked the most upset.

Luke commanded the room with raised arms.

"Have fun in the next phase, subjects. We forced Daedalus to design it before killing him, and we're very pleased with the result," Luke exclaimed.

Nico, especially, seemed startled by Luke's words.

Luke left the room with the guards in tow. The door slammed shut and locked behind them. We were stuck in here again.

Thalia immediately rushed towards Leo. Her motherly nature glowed on her face as she helped Will treat Leo's black eye and bruised cheek. Rachel was pacing back and forth as she ranted about everything that happened.

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