6: The Race

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Percy POV

"Okay, guys, just because I know about you guys doesn't mean that I want to see all this," I exclaimed in frustration.

They had been smooching for the past hour. I was in the pool room to kill time, but Jason and Piper decided to join me because the pool area was empty.

Luke was in the weight-training room alone. The boys were hanging out in the cafeteria while the girls were in the dorm room. Jason and Piper wanted to spend time together, so they came here. Lucky me.

"Percy, try to understand, we barely spend any time together because we're all confined in a closed area," Piper said quietly.

"Besides, you're supposed to have my back, man," Jason commented.

I sighed as I dried my hair with a towel. "Well, since I have your back, I'm going to tell you guys to separate because people are coming over," I said slyly.

They immediately distanced themselves on the bench as Hazel, Will, and Nico walked by. Nico sat several feet away. As I said, he was a shy, quiet guy. Hazel and Will were debating about something and wanted more opinions.

I pulled a shirt on before sitting on the bench next to Jason. I nudged him to stop being so suspicious-looking. Gods, Jason was not subtle at all.

"Guys, what's going on?" Piper asked, quickly adjusting.

Will started talking first. "Okay, so I'm being practical here. I really feel bad for what happened to Ethan, but I'm saying that we could use his bed and bag of resources."

"And, I'm saying that it's not appropriate," Hazel stated firmly.

I still got sad thinking about Ethan. He hadn't done anything wrong, and he didn't deserve to die. It was also scary that anyone could've been opening the locker with the bomb.

I sighed as I looked around.

Each of us got five pairs of clothes: a black shirt and black pants. Plus, we received three pairs of socks and two pairs of shoes. Furthermore, we each got a toiletry bag. Then, of course, we had our own bunk bed as well.

"I honestly don't know what to say. I could see both sides of the argument. However, I'd like to think that Ethan would want us to do anything we need to survive," Piper said firmly.

"However, we don't need Ethan's materials right now," Jason added.

Will and Hazel listened intently. They seemed to be thinking the same thing as they turned towards each other.

"Okay, how about, if we need them, we'll use them," Hazel stated. Will nodded with a smile, and I smiled in response.

To be honest, simple conflicts were arising between group members every day. Some people were better at handling interpersonal arguments than others. Everyone was a bit on edge since phase 2. It's been five days.

"GUYS, THEY'RE COMING," Rachel shrieked. She ran into the pool area and immediately slammed the doors closed.

What the hell?

Everyone jumped into action and ran towards Rachel. She was desperately trying to keep the door closed, but security guards were pounding against it. Jason and I collided against the door to keep it shut.

"Rachel, what's happening?" Hazel asked. I could hear the fear in her voice.

"They barged into the dorm room and started injecting everyone with the paralytic. I ran before they could get me," Rachel wheezed.

The security guards pounded against the door, nearly knocking Jason and me to the floor. Everyone pushed against the door to keep them out. However, the forces against the door were getting stronger and stronger.

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