10: The Hunger

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Percy POV

Starving. I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you. That's how I was feeling about every single food on the planet. I was hungry to the point where it was painful.

It's been three days since the race and since I got the metal cuff on my arm. Everything hurt, and everything felt weak. I was simply laying in bed staring at the ceiling in defeat.

Only four others were currently in the room since it was lunchtime, and they left to eat.

My stomach hurt more than anything. My body was shaking with exhaustion and hunger, but I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to cry, but I wasn't going to give Elysium the satisfaction. They didn't deserve to see me cry.

I've never actually starved in my life. My mother always made sure that there was food on the table. Gods, I missed her so much. I wondered how she was doing. I wondered if she was still alive.

I wiped the tears off my cheek. I was slowly breaking, and my stomach churned with pain.

"Percy, are you okay?" Rachel asked.

I tilted my head to look at her. She was standing next to my bunk bed, so our faces were at the same level. She had so much concern in her light green eyes.

"It hurts," I croaked. "And, I can't stop thinking about my mom."

"I'm so sorry," Rachel whispered as she reached forward. I happily accepted her touch against my cheek and reveled in her comforting nature. I appreciated her presence very much.

I didn't want to show people my vulnerable side, but I couldn't stop the pain. I was starving. I had been starving for two days. I didn't feel the hunger on the first day, but it hit like a tsunami later.

"Percy, are you sure that I can't bring you any food?" she asked in concern.

I held up my right arm to show her the metal cuff again. That female guard (who was somehow related to Annabeth) was explicit in her warning. I wasn't going to risk any debilitating or fatal shock.

"Right. Is there anything that I can do?" Rachel asked again. She genuinely wanted to help.

I shook my head as I turned back to stare at the ceiling. Her hand was still on my cheek, and it was helping a little. Not enough though. Then, Rachel did something unexpected.

She climbed onto the top bunk with me.

"It's all right, Percy. It's okay to be hurting. I'm right here for you," she whispered as she laid down next to me.

The bed was very small, but I greatly appreciated her comfort and warmth. I leaned into her and buried my teary eyes into her shoulder. Her head was elevated so I could feel her breathing against my hair. Her hands rubbed my hair, which was nice and relieving.

Rachel wasn't taking advantage or anything. She was genuinely trying to provide comfort. And, it did help to be in her comforting arms.

I didn't even care that Annabeth, Luke, and Nico were still in the room, staring at us. I was glad that Thalia wasn't here because she would feel worse than she already did. And, I didn't want that.

"Thank you, Rachel," I whispered as I took some deep breaths. She smelled of lavender and coconut (the shampoo they gave us).

I was too energy-deprived to stay functioning. If we had another phase today or tomorrow, I'd be utterly useless because of how tired I was.

As such, I fell asleep in her arms.

I woke up to someone shaking me. Rachel wasn't with me anymore. My stomach immediately churned as I turned to face Jason.

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