Chapter 16

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Sam's POV

"No!" I can't help but let out one last plea as Oliver gets thrown against the wall behind him. Ash and Leah groan next to me as Oliver's Mom sobs loudly. His father stands proudly above Oliver's unconscious form leaning against the wall. Sirens draw closer and closer to the house. I can't let this man leave. He has to get caught.

He seems to notice the sirens and starts towards the back door. I use every little bit of strength in my body to get up and run after him. I wrap my arms around the man's neck despite the immense pain coursing through my body. He stumbles and I stay on his back as the sirens get even closer. "You're not getting away with this!" I manage to get out as sirens overpower even Clare's wails and Ash and Leah's groaning in pain. At least those two aren't too badly hurt, as far as I can tell.

"Get off me!" The man yells before the door bursts open for the third time since we've been here.

"Get down and the ground!" A stern voice comes from the people coming in. The man turns to the four police officers who are currently pointing either actual guns or stun guns at the two of us.

Luckily, he doesn't fight that part. He raises his arms and I let myself slide off of him and back to the floor. Once my feet touch the solid ground pain shoots through my leg as Oliver's father, if you can still call him that, makes a break for the back door once more.

The immediate reaction from the officers is to pull their triggers. The two gunshots that fire through the house send my ears ringing as the bullets only hit the walls. Whoever shot their stun gun, though, landed perfectly on the man who falls over at the shocks sent through him. I can't help but let my eyes close as the officers put cuffs on the man and paramedics start coming into the house.

. . .

When I manage to get my eyes open again I think I'm in an ambulance. Someone blurry sits next to my legs as someone else sits closer to my head. I try to lift my head only to let it fall back on the soft pillow under it. "Woah, don't try to get up yet," an unfamiliar voice says from next to me. "You're going to the hospital.

"O- Oliver," I manage to speak in a hoarse whisper.

"It's okay," Leah's voice comes from further away from me as her blurry figure moves more towards me. "Oliver's in an ambulance with Ash and his mom is in another."

"Can you tell me your name?" I'm assuming, the paramedic asks me as they put a light in front of my eyes separately.

"S- Sam," I can't get anything else out before my eyes betray me and things go black.

. . .

The next time I wake up I immediately shut my eyes again, blinded momentarily by the bright lights above me. "Oh my god. Sam, you're up," Leah sighs in relief as I adjust my eyes to the bright room. There's a bandage on her cheek and bruises on her face and hands from the fight.

"Oliver? Ash? Clare?" I quickly attempt to sit up before going back down in pain. What did he do to me? My chest hurts like hell.

"Relax, they're all here. Ash and I are the least injured so we've just been switching between you and Oliver's rooms. They won't let us see his Mom though." Leah explains. I cover my face with my elbow. "The doctors said your leg is broken and you had to get stitches on her forehead so be careful. You also cracked a few ribs."

"It hurts like I just got hit by a bus or something," my voice is raspy and I know I sound as tired as I feel.

"At least you're awake now. The doctor should be in any minute to do whatever it is doctors do." She shrugs right before a doctor comes in.

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