Chapter 6

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Sam's POV

I can't believe he didn't know about it by now. He was here last year, shouldn't he have heard something? We both eat in silence until we're both finished. "Want some drinks?" I offer to break the silence.

"Uh sure," Oliver nods. "I'll pay."

"No, I got it," I protest.

"But I'm the one that suggested coming."

"And I want to pay, and I suggested drinks. I'm paying." He nods timidly as the waiter comes over.

"Can I get you anything else?" the boy, who can't be much older than us, smiles politely.

"A Mountain Dew, please," Oliver picks at his fingers.

"I'll have a Coke," I smile as politely as I can as the waiter leaves us, coming back moments later with the drinks.

"Are you okay?" Oliver seems bothered by something.

"Yeah," he nods. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're picking at your fingers like they owe you money or something."

"Oh," he moves his hands to the bottom of his glass as he takes a drink, keeping the straw in his mouth as he chews on it.

"Oliver," he looks at me, avoiding my eyes. "You're trying to kill your straw."

"It's just something the school seems to think," he shrugs, going back to picking at his fingers.

"What they think doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you know the truth, and that's all that matters."

"But, what if I don't know the truth?"

"What do you mean?" I give him a confused look before taking a drink of my Coke.

"I don't know if they're right," he shrugs, staring at his hands as he resumes picking at his fingers.

"Want any help?" I grab his hands to stop him from picking at them as his face flushes pink.

"N-no, I'll figure it out on my own."

"Are you sure? He just nods. "Okay, if you need my help just tell me." He nods again.

"S-so, what did you do today?" He changes the topic.

"Nothing," I shrug. All I did was paint and watch TV after my workout. We start talking more about other subjects and he fills me in on some of the classes I missed before I pay and we head outside.

"Anything else you wanna do before going home?" I ask Oliver as we reach my bike.

"Maybe the park?" He shrugs.

"Sure," I smile and hand him my helmet and we get on. I drive us to the park and we decide to sit on the swings since nobody's here.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asks as I stand up in my seat and rock back and forth.

"Swinging," I shrug.

"You're gonna fall," he laughs as he swings slightly, watching me.

"No, I'm not. I used to do this all the time and I only fell three times."

"Sure," he rolls his eyes and I put one foot out in front of me, holding the chains as I lean back.

"See?" As I say it, my hand slips and I fall back, off the swing and into the grass on my ass.

"I told you," Oliver laughs at me.

"Ollie, dearest, are you laughing at me?" I put my hand on my heart and act hurt.

"No," he shakes his head, holding his laughs in.

"Really?" I stand up and go towards him. He hums in response, still holding in a few laughs before I kneel next to him, only a few inches away from him. "You sure?" His face turns bright red as I smirk.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about," he turns away from me so I stand up and quickly pick him up from the swing, putting him over my shoulder. "Sam!" He yells. "Put me down!"



"Because you laughed at me," I shrug as I feel his shirt get untucked from his pants.

"Okay, I won't laugh at you ever again if you put me down."

"I doubt that but fine. There," I set him down in the grass and he smacks my arm.

"That's for messing up my shirt," he starts tucking it back in.

"But, you look cute with your shirt all messy," I smirk once more, causing his face to turn bright red again.

"Sh- shut up," he tucks his shirt back in before checking his watch. "I should get home, it's almost six."

"Okay, I'll drop you off," we go back to my bike and I drive him home, waiting to drive off until he's inside. I make a quick stop before going home but once I get home, I sit on the couch and turn the TV on after taking my boots off by the door. I text Leah, Ash, and I's group chat as I find something to watch.

S: did something happen to Oliver at school?

L: What did he tell you?

S: he just said everyone thinks something and he doesn't know if they're right about it

A: You should wait and let him tell you, or you'll figure it out tomorrow

S: ok?

We keep talking about random stuff as I put on a random musical in the background. I text Ollie after Leah and Ash have to stop talking. Ollie and I text most of the night before we mutually agree that we need some sleep. 

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