Chapter 10

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Sam's POV

As I drive away, I can see the shadows of Ollie and his dad arguing through the window. Hell, I can almost hear it. I wish I could hit that guy into the sun! He's such an ass! Ollie must be getting screamed at right now. He definitely gets more of his personality from his mom. She's so kind. How did she ever marry that guy?

I drive home and quickly go inside, throwing my jacket over the back of the couch before kicking my boots next to the door and making my way to my art room.

Oliver's so sweet, and kind and he actually cares. His dad is the opposite. How did someone so awesome come from someone so... Not awesome? Whatever. His dad sucks. That's the stupid point here.

I stop painting and look at the canvas in front of me. It's a nice forest at the front but as you look behind all the pretty trees there's a fire, burning the small trees in the background.

Not bad.

Before leaving the room, I set the painting against the wall to dry and head to my room. I change into something more comfortable before laying in bed and texting Ollie.

S: hey how'd it go after i left?

O: I'm grounded until Friday but nothing else really happened

S: everythings good then?

O: Yeah, Dad was mad but Mom talked him down to the grounding and a lecture about having friends over

S: well your mom is awesome for that and that dinner was amazing

We text for a few more hours before mutually agreeing to go to bed.

Friday isn't that far away. Only two days.

. . .

It's already been a week since Ollie and I became boyfriends and it's been awesome. We hang out after school with Leah and Ash and Ollie's parents haven't found out about him being gay. He still has time to come out on his own terms and I'm happy to wait to go public until he's ready. I've only visited Jeff once to bring a few groceries and he was drunk as usual so he was basically out cold the whole time I was there.

As I walk down the hall, the area is tense. As if something bad is about to happen. I go to my locker, opening it as a few small papers float down to my feet. I pick them up and unfold the first one. What did you think was going to happen?

I look at the second one. Time's up.

As I open the last piece of paper my heart drops. Ollie ran out of chances.

Quickly, I shut my locker and throw the paper in the trash as I jog through the halls toward Oliver's locker. Once I turn down the right hall, Oliver is standing at his locker with a bigger piece of paper in his hand and his bag on his hip.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask as I reach his side.

"D-Danny. He's gonna tell my dad," his face is pale as he shakily holds the paper with both hands.

"What? Why?" He hands me the paper, his hands shaking as he picks at his fingers.

Oliver, I warned you. Sam is bad for you and you know it. But you had to try and prove me wrong and now, you're out of chances. If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to your father. I'm going to tell him everything and you will crawl right back to me. There's one way to stop this and you know what it is. If you want to fix your reputation, meet me behind the school.

"That slimy, sick son of a bitch. I'll meet him behind the school," I start walking towards the doors as the paper crumples in my hand.

"Sam, wait," Oliver pulls my arm to stop me. "Just leave it. I'll be fine. What can my dad do besides ground me anyway?"

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