Chapter 8

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Sam's POV

Fucking asshole. I hate that guy. Why can't he just go away?! "So, what's today's plan?" Ash pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Wanna go to the garage? Leah suggests.

"Sure," Ash nods.

"I'm fine with that, Oliver?" we turn to him as he picks at his fingers again.

"Sure," he nods, staring at his hands.

"Your fingers are gonna bleed," Leah points out.

"Right," Oliver moves his hands under the table and we change the topic.

"Was the English assignment hard?" Leah asks us.

"No," Ash and Oliver shrug.

"You have to pick a line from a list and write what it means to you," Ash elaborates as I eat the school pizza.

"Oh, I thought it would be some Shakespeare shit or something," Leah sighs in relief.

"There are a few Shakespeare lines," Oliver adds.

"Boring," Leah rolls her eyes.

. . .

It's been a little over two weeks since Oliver started hanging out with Leah, Ash, and I, and I have to say I'm not surprised with how the school reacted. Some people are minding their business about it but there are more than a few that have started rumors about Oliver being gay or being "turned delinquent." It's so stupid.

Danny tried arguing with him a few times but I think he finally gave up. I know Oliver's dad doesn't like him hanging out with us but he hasn't stopped him yet. His mom seems okay with it. At least, I haven't heard anything about her being mad about it like I have his dad. "Sam, can we talk after school?" Ollie asks as he finds me at my locker.

"Sure, what's up?" I put my jacket on as I close my locker.

"I need your help with something," he picks at his fingers.

"Dude, stop picking at your fingers all the time. We gotta get you something else to mess with," he puts his hands on the strap of his bag, messing with that now. At least he can't make himself bleed with that.

"Sorry," he mutters. "After school, you'll help me, though?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you by your locker after class." He nods and walks to his first class. What could I help him with? I'm barely passing my classes so it can't be with homework. Maybe it's something more personal? I don't know. I sigh and go to class. I only have the third hour, lunch, and fourth hour with him so I'll have to wait a few hours before talking to him again. The day goes by relatively quickly until my fifth period. Math. My worst class and the strictest teacher in the school.

"Mr. Williams!" My head snaps up from my desk as Mrs. Mikerton screeches my name. "Are you sleeping in my class again!?"

"No," I shake my head. "Just resting my eyes."

"Unless you want another suspension I suggest you lose the attitude," she waves her finger at me and I put on a fake worried face as I put my hands up in surrender.

When we get our homework I manage to get half of it done before getting stuck. I stare at the page without a clue on how to solve the problem before the bell rings. My next class goes by quickly. As the bell rings I get up and head for the door as the class gets their stuff together. I go to Oliver's locker as he's getting his stuff. "Hey," I smile. "Where do you wanna talk?"

"My house? My dad's not home until ten tonight so he can't kick you out," he closes his locker.

"Okay," I nod. "I mean, it's a bit early to meet your mom but if that's what you want," I smirk as he blushes on the way outside.

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